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Supply Question
« on: October 18, 2009, 02:31:53 am »
Hi ladies, I have a question about supply. I did not stop working when ds was born (I'm a real estate agent and the market is too hot to slow down here). For the most part it is working out-I've cut back some and  I time appointments with clients between feeds and leave dh with a bottle of pumped just in case I'm late.

I do have the odd day like today, where I was gone for 6.5 hours and left dh with 2 ready bottles (and a freezer stash). I know ds is fine but I came home engorged and I wonder how this impacts my supply because I can't exactly pull out a pump in the middle of doing an open house ;D. Am I going too long without a feed or pump to sustain my supply? Can I do anything about it to make up for it? I fed ds when I got home and again 2 hours later. Now, 2 hours later again I'm going to pump as I think ds will be down for the next 2 hours at least. I'll also pump after his 3 am feed. Should I pump all day long the day after a day like today? Ds will be 9 weeks Monday so it's not like he's that old for my supply to be solid and stable, right?
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Re: Supply Question
« Reply #1 on: October 19, 2009, 18:57:34 pm »
Hi Marian,

I think that if it's every now and then, it's not really going to affect your supply. I work full time and occasionally I will have meetings which prevent me from being able to pump for one part of the day. In general when it's a one-off then the next time I pump it will end up being a pretty large yield.  On a day like the day you were out for 6.5 hours and are engorged when you come home, is it possible to pump a bit from both breasts before you feed ds? That way you will be able to get a few ounces out and then his feed will be more "normal sized" when he takes it, plus you'll have some for your special reserves? :-*
Mom to Luke (2007) and Dylan (2009)