Ahh yes- well we haven't had so much success since, mainly because we have had a couple of very mucky days out and about a lot so naps have been a bit hit and miss.
Keeps waking at 2 or 3 and can't always resettle her without feeding, which then throws off the 7am feed again!
She had 2 fantastic naps today though - 1.5 hours and 2 hours, even though the feeds were a bit off, i.e she didn't really want to eat till 8.30 even though she got up at 6.45. I just try to make sure that if she feeds close to going down that she is awake when she gets to bed, so not EASY, more AEASY, but hey the progress on the naps is wonderful. We will see how tonight goes after a day of good naps. Hopefully she will get through to 7 and we can have another perfect day tomorrow. Fingers crossed !