Hi Marian,
yep, you are totally right, I'm going back to my instincts and doing what I feel is what he needs rather than freaking myself out trying to adhere to a schedule that he isn't ready for.
Being a mum has made me realise what a total control freak I am! When everything goes to pot, which it does on a regular basis cos I am dealing with a HUMAN not a machine, I have a melt down and think I am being a bad mum.
Now I know that I just have to stop trying to do it "right" because there is not "right" only what is right for my baby.
He's still eating every 2-2 1/4 hours except at night when he can go for long stretches with no problem.
My doc who is a EASY specialist has asked me to stop doing that though (letting him sleep 6-8 hours at a stretch during the night) because she thinks he isn't getting enough calories during the day and that is why he can't stay asleep.
She's told me to feed him at 9pm as well as his 6pm and DF. He's now waking more frequently during the night for food as well as during the day.
Previously he was doing only the 6pm and DF then waking about 3am, then again at 5ish and eating every 3hrs during the day, quite happily, not by the clock.
So I'm pretty confused about the whole thing really! I'll keep going with the extra feed in the evening though and see what happens.
Thanks for your support,