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Offline BeasMommy

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Few BF queries
« on: October 20, 2009, 08:15:49 am »
Hi everyone!

I'm new this this Mommy game and haven't got a clue!

My LO is 5 weeks old and I've been EBF her since birth. Im really proud of that as BF wasn't something that really came naturally to me. I had some problems with pain in the beginning and my Mom bottle fed all of us so wasn't something I grew up with seeing.

I trying to start EASY with her. I've started with the evening routine. My first question is how much EBM should I give her at the DF. I find that its easier to get to take a bottle as her little mouth won't open up enough for a BF for love nor money! (she clamps it shut and purses her lips at me even when I tickle her top lip!!) and I can ease a bottle into her mouth.

Secondly I think she has reflux :(. I'm seeing the Dr today as the HV said to get a prescription for gaviscon. She was 9lb 9oz at birth and now only weighs 9lb 14oz at 5 weeks, so really hasn't put on much weight. She spits virtually every feed and it varies from when that happens, can be straight away with fresh milk of later on when its all curdled. Ive tried sitting her up after, raising the bed at the head end, not moving her after a feed, burping throughout the breast feed. She is quite an effective feeder and guzzles, but how can I stop that?? She writhes around after every feed and makes that tooting sound all the time, but doesnt cry so don't think its colic. The other thing is she isn't screaming hunger at me all he time, she is quite a happy contented little thing.

Sorry for the long post! I'm worried that they will tell me to supplement her with formula and I really don't want to as I feel we've done so well with the BF.

Thanks for any advice.


Offline double mummy

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Re: Few BF queries
« Reply #1 on: October 20, 2009, 11:04:37 am »
I can't help with the EASY routine because i am still getting my head around it.  I am like you and i expressed for my baby because i had so many problems breastfeeding and he was premature so very very sleepy so was advised in special care to express my milk to feed him.  From what i was told by my doctor a baby which is breastfed is less likely to get colic.  The gaviscon if you get it is fantastic i used it on my first child as he had horrible reflux the only thing i would suggest is to get the next flow up on the teats as it can make the milk thicker which means it doesn't flow through the teat as easily for the baby as they are used to.   Sorry i couldn't be any more help just thought i would tell you my experience!