Okay we had another night like that last night. Awake for most of it. This time at three am apparently it was play time. So I went back to sleep and let him play
I am trying to think if there is anything else that could be a prop issue here? He barely uses a paci...I give it to him at bedtime and naps and he usually spits it back out and smiles at me. I do give it back to him when he wakes at night but he just does the same thing. Can this somehow be a prop? He used to always hold my arm but I do not let him do that anymore. He does seem to prefer to fall asleep on his side but then move to his back once he is asleep. I have a blanket that is supposed to prop him on this side but he just moves it over and lays on his back
So could the fact that I turn him onto his side when I go in at night be a prop? He falls asleep on his own. I rarely have to use Shh/pat and pretty much never have used PU/PD. Any other insight into this? I am getting ready to put him on ebay! lol
Also, he could be teething. I have given him pain meds but they do not seem to change anything at all. If I take any pain meds for anything, nothing works for my body for some reason so maybe he has inherited that lovely feature! Sort of frusterating really. So I do not know if he is in pain or not when giving pain meds hasn't changed anything.
Ugh...I am starting to feel like I cannot handle this another night....what do I do