Author Topic: Extending Nap Techniques for a Baby that Does Not Cry?  (Read 7103 times)

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Offline blessedbear

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Extending Nap Techniques for a Baby that Does Not Cry?
« on: October 21, 2009, 04:07:47 am »
My LO is 7 months.  She just started solids a little over a month ago.  Is an awesoem night sleeper 7-7 but lately have had a few NW, EW, extra fussiness due to teething.  The one thing that is wonky and I am determined to get back on track are naps.  We used to have 1.5 hour naps twice or 2 shorter with a catnap but today we had the worst of worst 3 -3o minute naps!  Can someone give me a suggestion on a technique to get my LO back to sleep when she wakes after 30 mins?!  She does NOT ever cry when she wakes up usually will just flip to her tummy and start pushing up or grabbing her feet ( a new move btw)  I know it's a touchy time right now all the milestones, solids, oh did I mention teething too.  I know she can do 1.5 hour naps and of course we want to drop CN but it's still used when necessary.  Any techniques to soothe her back without too much stimulation she is normally angel/textbook but her naps she is touchy.


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Re: Extending Nap Techniques for a Baby that Does Not Cry?
« Reply #1 on: October 21, 2009, 07:20:57 am »
well it could be developemental, do you allow her to practise those moves while she is awake??

can you put up your EASY for us to have a look at?

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Re: Extending Nap Techniques for a Baby that Does Not Cry?
« Reply #2 on: October 21, 2009, 09:04:49 am »
MY LO also doesn't cry when she wakes and I have used the W2S technique to extend naps and so far it has worked when I have remembered to do it! (but I have only been on EASY for about 2 weeks now and LO just started teething 2 days ago so naps with nanny not looking too great either)

Offline koe2moe

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Re: Extending Nap Techniques for a Baby that Does Not Cry?
« Reply #3 on: October 21, 2009, 09:21:27 am »
Hi Tia

We had the same thing back when DS was around 6.5 mo.  I pulled my hair out trying so hard to extend naps, got rid of prop (dummy which was great) and W2S and everything else you can imagine!  It turns out that the EASY needs tweaking!  It took us 2 months to realise that!!!  DS is almost 10.5 mo and we're still working on it!!! 

I strongly suggest you post your EASY, the ladies here will be able to help!

Good luck!


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Re: Extending Nap Techniques for a Baby that Does Not Cry?
« Reply #4 on: October 21, 2009, 16:04:59 pm »
Hi there,
Ok yesterday's EASY was

7:00 AM (had to wake her up)
E 7:20 am (8.5 oz)
E 8:30 am (cereal w/ banana)
S 9:25 am - 10:05 am (this nap was short, usually 1.5 hour)

E 11:20 am (6.5 oz)
S 12:40 pm - 1:10 pm

E 3:30 pm (9 oz)
S 4:35 pm - 5:05 (catnap)

E 5:30 pm (carrots)
E 6:20 pm (9oz)
S 7:00 pm

This morning she awoke at 6:20 am which she has been doing if she doesnt get good naps the previous day.  I leave her in crib she plays and talks I go in at 7 am.  Yes she has lots of time throughout the day to practice but often waits till she gets in crib.  should I put her in crib ot practice instead of floor in family room or Joovy play yard?

Do I wait and put her down at 9:30 am or adjust for 2.5 hours form 6:20 am.  I like when we do 9:30 am since my experience is it wields the best naps.


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Re: Extending Nap Techniques for a Baby that Does Not Cry?
« Reply #5 on: October 21, 2009, 20:55:04 pm »
Ok, at this age their A times are more likely to be 3 hours long and there is no catnap, so what is happening is she is simply not tired enough to take a longer nap, shes happy when she wakes up because she isnt tired, shes also trying to get that extra A time in the mornings. you wont be able to extend a nap where she is undertired.

Sooooo, what to do? we start to gradually increase her A times, first of all increase it by 15mins and stick with that for a few days, then increase it again by another 15mins, you cant do it all at once as her little body cant handle a big jump in awake time, you need to do it gently. dont drop the catnap just yet, not until she can handle 3 hours A time :)

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Re: Extending Nap Techniques for a Baby that Does Not Cry?
« Reply #6 on: October 22, 2009, 04:43:07 am »
Ok right now she is waking early to get the extra A time.  That makes sense.  If she wakes at 7 am what time should AM nap be?  Right now we do 2.5 hour.

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Re: Extending Nap Techniques for a Baby that Does Not Cry?
« Reply #7 on: October 22, 2009, 04:48:26 am »
If she wakes at 7am put her to bed at 9.45am, she will probably still show tired signs because thats when her body is used to going to sleep, which is why we do this gradually. take her around the garden, show her some photos, anything that will help you pass the time gently if you need to.
She still may not take a full nap at this stage however we just keep plodding along until we find the magic A time that gives her a 1.5 hour nap :)

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Re: Extending Nap Techniques for a Baby that Does Not Cry?
« Reply #8 on: October 22, 2009, 04:53:23 am »
now you mention in your other thread that your baby is 6 months adjusted so lets take this a little slower and only put her down at 9.40am rather than 9.45am, the reason for this is that sometiems 5 extra minutes can make a huge difference and if she was prem we are working a little differently.

I do think that even though she is 6 months old she may be able to handle a little bit more A time but not too much more. so let her guide you, if after the extra 10 mins awake she does a shorter nap then we know its not an A time issue. but the fact that she wakes up not crying tell me it could be. let me know how you go :)

Offline blessedbear

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Re: Extending Nap Techniques for a Baby that Does Not Cry?
« Reply #9 on: October 22, 2009, 05:00:05 am »
Thank you!  I have never put her down for am nap later than 9:30 am.  It is def worth a try at 9:40 am.  So just to be clear if she awakes at 6:30 then I just do 2 hr 40 mins based on that wake up up time or automatically put her down at 9:40?  Yes we will go in the garden.  Thank you so much for your wonderful suggestions.  Would you advise me to attempt wake to sleep in addition or just let her go with the new time?  Also what do you mean by " if after the extra 10 mins awake she does a shorter nap then we know its not an A time issue. but the fact that she wakes up not crying tell me it could be."?

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Re: Extending Nap Techniques for a Baby that Does Not Cry?
« Reply #10 on: October 22, 2009, 05:05:54 am »
do 2 hours 40mins A time no matter what time she wakes (unless of course shes had a really bad night and needs the sleep earlier)

Also what do you mean by " if after the extra 10 mins awake she does a shorter nap then we know its not an A time issue. but the fact that she wakes up not crying tell me it could be."?
If after tryng to extend her A time she does a shorter nap than normal (say 30mins) then that means the new A time is too much for her to handle and she did an OT nap and that means the A time she was doing before was fine and there is another issue playing with her sleep. I would not do W2S with the new A time just yet, lets see if the A time by itself is enough. when you do the new A time tell me what kind of nap she has and we can take it from there :)

Offline blessedbear

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Re: Extending Nap Techniques for a Baby that Does Not Cry?
« Reply #11 on: October 22, 2009, 05:15:38 am »
 I will do 2 hr 40 mins.  I am pretty sure she can handle it I was doing 3 hours at one point.  Is this calculated from the times she actually opens her eyes (when she wakes at 6:20 I still leave her in crib till 7am) I am sure it depends on the nap of course but if she goes 1.5 hour nap Lord willing how much A time should I shoot for before the PM nap?  If it is another 30-40 minuter then do I stick with 2 hr 40 mins for A time or the max 2.45?  Do you think at 6 months adjusted i should even be thinking of phasing CN out?


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Re: Extending Nap Techniques for a Baby that Does Not Cry?
« Reply #12 on: October 22, 2009, 05:25:26 am »
Is this calculated from the times she actually opens her eyes
yes, A time is "eyes open to eyes shut" we let Caleb play in his cot till 7am if he doesnt cry out to us as well but we start our A time from when he woke up in his bed.

If he does a short 30-40min nap then you reduce the next A time and wait for him to show you his tired signs, at this age if Caleb did a 30min nap he would only handle 2hours A time. if he does a 1.5 nap then do the 2 hour 40min A time again :)

personally i dont think you should phase out the CN yet.

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Re: Extending Nap Techniques for a Baby that Does Not Cry?
« Reply #13 on: October 22, 2009, 05:32:22 am »
Ok I got it!  Thank you for the link I am also reading dropping the catnap success stories  :D  Now that I am clear on A time guidelines for 6 month old it should start to turn things around.  I will hold off on wake to sleep and have faith that the correct A time will yield more restful naps for my DD.
I will let you know how it goes.

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Re: Extending Nap Techniques for a Baby that Does Not Cry?
« Reply #14 on: October 22, 2009, 08:51:54 am »
Good luck!!!!   I hope you get it soon!!