Hi Sarah
![Smiley :)](https://smiley.babywhispererforums.com/Smileys/classic/smiley.gif)
Hopefully I can help with some of your questions!
Can a BF baby actually prefer and do better on a bottle?
Prefer, absolutely... It is much easier to get milk out of a bottle - even with the slow-flow nipples, milk just drips into their mouths. With bfing, they have to work harder to get it out. This can lead some babies to have a definite bottle preference. Do better, I'm not really sure. It's possible, especially with some medical conditions (eg tongue tie, cleft palate, etc) that can cause poor latch, for babies to not be able to suck efficiently at the breast. If your concerned about something like this, you may want to see a lactation consultant or talk to your doctor to ensure that your dd is latched well and nursing efficiently. However, if you've made it to 3.5mo and she's growing well, plenty of wet and poopy diapers, etc. then everything is likely ok in that arena. Not sure about the spit up though... If her latch is poor, that might cause her to swallow more air, leading to more burping/spitting up. What do you think?
I am also not sure how to do a DF, do you get baby out of bed and feed? Burp? How much to feed them?
Have you read
http://babywhispererforums.com/index.php?topic=65750.0 ? You do have to lift them out of bed, but the goal is to do it very, very gently and (hopefully!) not wake them. They are usually so relaxed that they don't swallow a lot of air so you don't burp, just put back to bed.
she is a very quick nurser! She will nurse for 5 to 7 minutes of each side, if I am lucky. Sometimes it is shorter and other times longer.
This is actually very normal! Babies become more efficient as they get older, and often feed for much shorter times. There's more detailed information here:
http://babywhispererforums.com/index.php?topic=65904.0Having said that, I wonder if your dd gets frustrated after the initial let down when milk flow slows, and that's why she pops off so quickly. Have you tried
http://babywhispererforums.com/index.php?topic=88759.0 ? That will help the milk flow, and may help her stay interested and feed a bit longer. Milk supply is also usually lowest in the evenings, which may also be why she is fussier feeding from the breast then too. You may find that breast compressions help here also.
It is very normal to have to do 2, or even 3 night feeds at your lo's age. My ds had a dreamfeed, plus at least one night feed, sometimes a second in the wee hours of the morning. Have you seen
http://babywhispererforums.com/index.php?topic=98183.0 ? Growth spurts can also cause increased night wakings for feeds - it's nature's way of increasing your milk supply to meet your lo's increasing needs. Check out
http://babywhispererforums.com/index.php?topic=66001.0I think your other nightwakings may be due to the pacifier being a prop for her, though, based on the behaviour you've described. I'm not the best to advise you there, as my ds never took to one (though believe me, I tried!) so you may want to check out the FAQs on the props board.
As for increasing your milk supply, extra pumping sessions are definitely one way to do it, although I usually advise moms to pump one hour after feeding sessions. You will likely only get an oz or maybe 2, but you can then use that to top up your lo at the next feed. There's more details on that, and other ideas to increase your supply, here:
![Smiley :)](https://smiley.babywhispererforums.com/Smileys/classic/smiley.gif)
And let us know how things are going!