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4 week old taking 20 minutes!!!
« on: October 24, 2009, 22:50:41 pm »
okay so i have a 4 week old who has been a pretty good baby so far.  he did have his days and nights confused for the first two weeks and now that he has figured that out, he is doing terrible for naps during the day.  we are on a 3 hour schedule of EAS.  i watch the clock and sleep cues and when i see him yawn 2 times, i swaddle him up, bounce him in my arms for about 10 mintues or so and watch his eyes to shut.  once they are shut, i hold him for all of a minute or two and then put him in his crib.  he will go to sleep on his own from here sometimes, other times he will fuss and eventually start to cry until i pick him up.  i've let him scream for 10 minutes before going to rescue him.  if he does fall asleep w/o much trouble and w/o the pacifier, he will wake up after 20 or 30 minutes and won't settle unless i help him which involves me putting the pacifier in his mouth over and over and over again until he falls into a deep sleep.  the other option to get him to take a good nap is to give him a pacifier and hold him until he is in a deep sleep, at which point i can transfer him into the crib and he'll sleep for a good 2 hours.  so i can't seem to figure out why he wakes 20 minutes into his naps...except for that he realizes i am not holding him and won't settle.  both repeatedly putting the pacifier back in his mouth and holding him till he goes to sleep are not good options/nor habits that i want to start, but i'm not sure what else to do.  the other day, he only took 20 minute naps throughout the whole day and was unusually fussy b/c he was exhausted.  how do you get a newborn to fall asleep on their own or am i expecting too much from a baby this young?  i have a 2 yr old so i can't spend excessive amounts of time soothing a baby to sleep a hundred times a day.  just don't want to create bad sleep habits i have to break later. thanks.

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Re: 4 week old taking 20 minutes!!!
« Reply #1 on: October 25, 2009, 00:44:51 am »
Hi hon!  Most young infants have a jolt in their sleep at the 20 minute mark, juuuuuust as they're about to go into the deep sleep phase of their naps.  Often times, it can startle them out of sleep, and they need to be resettled.

Try holding his arms in place for the first 20 minutes of his nap, until The Jolt happens and his eyes stop fluttering around under his eyelids (his breathing will slow down, too).  Eventually, he will outgrow this :)  It's not because you're doing something wrong or he's got a prop issue...he's still learning how to do this whole independent sleep thing :)

Just to be sure, however, could you post what his typical day looks like (in EAS format)?

Also, if he does wake up early, have you tried getting him back to sleep using shh/pat?  Here's a link that describes it:
« Last Edit: October 25, 2009, 00:48:39 am by tersaseda »
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Re: 4 week old taking 20 minutes!!!
« Reply #2 on: October 25, 2009, 02:12:21 am »
hello...thanks for your help!  our schedule is still a bit different every day b/c wake times still differ daily, but generally we follow a 3 hour easy schedule.   he will eat, diaper change, play a bit, then i wait for 2 yawns, swaddle, bounce him for 10 minutes or so and then put him in his crib.  my question regarding the jolt thing is, do you sit with them for 20 minutes while they are falling asleep or do you go back in right before the jolt happens?  i have a 2yr old who needs me constantly throughout the day, so i don't have lots of time to sit in my baby's room for long periods of time? 

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Re: 4 week old taking 20 minutes!!!
« Reply #3 on: October 25, 2009, 05:32:21 am »
Okay, so 3 hour EASY.  Got it :)  How long does he normally stay awake, i.e. what is his A time?  Just want to make sure he's not resisting sleep bc he's going down undertired or overtired.  Do you think you could post his routine from just yesterday?  I know times vary from day to day, but the cycle durations and each EAS component should be about the same length.  Plus, it will be good to see if his night sleep has anything to do with his naps (and vice versa).

Re: the jolt.  There are actually a few that happen in that first 20 minutes (like at 5, 10), but there's a big one at about the 20 minute mark.  Personally, I stayed in there with my DS for the 20 minutes.  If yours is a good napper once he falls asleep, then that 20 minutes is all you have to put in.

Another option--and this would keep you from having him fall asleep in your arms thus becoming a prop (been there, done that--I would rock/walk/bounce DS for an hour sometimes to get him to go to sleep before I started BW)--do your wind down routine, put him in his crib and use shh/pat for those 20 minutes it takes him to get into a deep sleep.  I think this might help you more in the long run because it 1) will help you from feeling like a prop, 2) is an independent sleeping tool AND a calming technique that can gradually be lessened as your LO gets older, and 3) if you do it for 20 minutes then you're also shh/patting through that jolt.  It really is a wonderful technique to use with young infants, and it can be part of your wind down routine as you then transfer him into his crib.

At his age, he still needs you to help him go to sleep.  You might think you're a prop right now because you're there when he goes to sleep...but if you have a calming wind down routine in place, put him down when he's really drowsy, and use shh/pat for those 20 minutes, you are giving him the tools to eventually go to sleep on his own.  In the next month or two, he'll get to where he only needs, say, 5 minutes of shh/pat and then can go the rest of the way to sleep by himself.  I've seen this happen with my own son.  He's 5 months and once I lay him in his crib, I shh and put mu hand on his chest for about 1 minute, and he settles himself the rest of the way.

Also, here are some threads that might help you out, too: (good one filled with lots of scenarios) (this one talks about the jolt)
« Last Edit: October 25, 2009, 05:42:31 am by tersaseda »
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Re: 4 week old taking 20 minutes!!!
« Reply #4 on: October 25, 2009, 22:20:02 pm »
Hi newmom11 just wanted to say that you are getting some excellent advice from tersaseda, I just wanted to mention that you need to be putting him into his cot awake but drowsy, if you are holding him till he is calm that is fine but holding after his eyes are closed for a minute or so is too long, he is falling asleep on you and waking because he isnt where he first fell asleep, think of it like this: you fall asleep on the couch and wake up in the bathtub, you get a fright and want to be where you first fell asleep, nice and warm on the couch (or in your arms) Sara has given you some good links to follow up on. also can i encourage you not to let your little one cry, Tracy does not advocate letting our babies cry alone, we are there to guide them through their sleep training. it can be very traumatic for a little one to be left to cry and it breaks the bond of trust between parent and child. I know its difficult when you have another little one running around, i hope we can help you out with your routine.

how long do you have your little girl up for before she is asleep??

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Re: 4 week old taking 20 minutes!!!
« Reply #5 on: October 27, 2009, 16:01:26 pm »
okay, so after a frustrating night of being up for 2 straight hours with a newborn who was wide awake at 2am, i'm back!!  so i've been keeping an eye on our routine the past few days in order to post it for you to take a look at and for the most part, it looks like my little guy has been following a 3 hour routine.  i don't have exact times b/c with a 2 yr old at home, i never did get a chance to write it all down.  here was our routine this morning...he woke up to eat at 8:30am (previous feeding at 4am), nursed for about 20 minutes or so, he laid in his swing for about 15 minutes and then i gave him a bath, followed by diaper change, dressing, etc.  at this point he was yawning so i swaddled him up and bounced him for a few minutes.  he doesn't seem to take well to rocking, but if i stand and bounce him, he will fuss for just a few short minutes and then relax his body and start batting his eyes.  i'm trying my hardest not to give him the pacifier to get him to sleep initially.  as his eyes were shutting i put him in the crib and he fell peacefully asleep.  so his total wake time from the time he woke to the time he was asleep in the crib was an hour and 20 minutes.  so here is where it gets ugly.  at 25 minutes into his nap, i saw (have a video monitor) that his eyes were wide open and he was squirming and fussing.  i gave him about 5-6 minutes to settle, at which point he was fully screaming and then picked him up to calm him down.  he was still fussing in my arms, but quieted down.  as soon as he was calm, i put him in his crib and start the shh/pat thing.  he was screaming again and wouldn't settle, so i gave him the pacifier and he instantly closed his eyes and calmed down.  so here is my problem, at his age, he can't keep the paci in very well and so he sucks it for about 10 minutes, relaxes his mouth, it falls out and he is up fussing again.  I CANNOT keep putting the pacifier in over and over and over again, but the shh/pat thing seems to make him mad and he just lays in there screaming.  would you shh/pat while he is sucking his pacifer to get him used to that and then gradually try taking the pacifier?  he's been up for 45 minutes now off and on and is yawning and yawning so i know he is 45 minutes, i've been in there 3 times settling him, reinserting the pacifier which is the only way to get him to calm down.  it's just so weird b/c he will fall asleep initially w/o the paci, but when he wakes up early in his naps, he will only settle with the paci.  i feel so discouraged...he was up from 2am till 4am last night while we did the whole pacifier thing.  i know he wasn't hungry at 2am when he woke up b/c he had just taken a 4 ounce bottle of formula at midnight and during the day, he will go at least 3 hours on breastmilk w/o needing to eat again.  he just woke at 2am and was wide awake.  i picked him up to calm him, changed him, reswaddled him, bounced him, laid in bed with him at which point he started spitting the pacifer out and would wake up wanting it again.  i did everything i knew to do and finally at 4am i just fed him so he would go back to sleep.  i'm out of ideas as to what to it normal for babies this young to take such short naps?  i thought for sure they would just sleep long stretches once they were asleep.  he did out of nowhere take a 2.5 hour nap yesterday after his noon feeding...he was up for an hour and 20 minutes before i got him down for his nap yesterday and out of nowhere he just slept for a good nap.  then i woke him to feed him, he was up for 30 minutes and then went back to sleep again for another 1.5 hours.  i woke him again at 6pm last night to eat and then he just catnapped the rest of the day.  could the large stretch of day sleep yesterday effected his night sleep last night (just wondering if that was what caused him to be wide awake at 2am)?  the only thing that was different yesterday was that in the morning, we were out running errands before his noon feeding, so he didn't get a good nap.  he would fall asleep in the carseat for a few minutes, then be back up again and fall asleep again for a few minutes and be back up again.  i'm just wondering if he was so exhausted by his noon feeding if that's why he took a good nap.  anyway, please, please help me...i'm in tears trying to figure out what to do.  i can't keep reinserting the pacifier and have to get past the 20 minute naps, but the shh/pat seems to make it worse.


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Re: 4 week old taking 20 minutes!!!
« Reply #6 on: October 27, 2009, 20:28:59 pm »
Ok well first of all at this age he should only be up for 50-60 mins at a time so he is OT shorten your A times and I feel things will begin to improve. Also patting and a paci is fine at his age we did that till 3 monyths of age and it helped his sleep alot

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Re: 4 week old taking 20 minutes!!!
« Reply #7 on: October 27, 2009, 21:01:33 pm »
Hey there,

Don't know if i read it wrong, but you did write that you are putting him in the crib then shh/patting??? Have you tried shhh/pat holding him and then putting him in the crib when he gets drowsy?

You may find you have to do it until he is nigh on asleep, then bring forward putting him down earlier and earlier until he knows how to fall asleep indepently. I taught my lo without a dummy, and it is tough. Your shhhhes should imitate water, i.e. be long not short and pat slowly but steadily as that should imitate your heart beat. You may also find that when your lo is really screaming, try shhhing loudly, (not in his ear :) ) so he can't hear himself cry. This should calm him enough for you to be able to get hold of the situation and then pat/shh him to calm him.

Also is your swaddle nice and tight? He should be a little log of a boy lol

Hope things improve for you soon, oh and in answer to your question, YES YES YES, poor day sleep can wreak havoc on night sleep. It is all interlinked. An OT bub at bedtime is more likely to have a restless night and EW. Don't stress too much, your lo is still soooo young, and so getting him some sleep is the main thing. If he is OT, sleep training will be doomed to failure so maybe try just getting him to sleep however he does best, rocker etc so he can catch up and resume in a couple of days. It is a long hard road to getting them to independent sleep, but it is so worth it!

Good luck and keep us posted! HTH xxx

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Re: 4 week old taking 20 minutes!!!
« Reply #8 on: October 27, 2009, 21:37:09 pm »
adidas mom,

so i tried to shh/pat while holding him today and he was dozing off, so i transferred him to the crib to continue the process and his eyes popped wide open and i stayed there with him for 30 minutes repeating the process and he sat there and looked at me wide eyed.  he yawned a thousand times while i was in there shh/patting, but he just kept squirming unsettled.  i even shortened the A time and had him in his swaddle, shh/patting after only 45 minutes of A time.  so now he's been in there for so long and is still wide eyed, quiet but wide eyed and he's been up for an hour and 20 minutes.  if he is quiet, do i leave him in there even though he is wide awake or do i go and start the process all over again, trying to get him drowsy?  also since we are entering the OT zone, what do you you just get him to sleep however i need to and try again tomorrow?  this is the problem i am running takes so long to get him sleepy w/o me holding him that when i finally get him there, he's been up too long.  also, i can't seem to get him in a spot where i can pat him really well...he is wedged on his side, but the wedge i am using is so big that it covers him from neck to butt, so there is no place for me to stick my hand.  keep in mind i have a 2 yr old, so i cannot spend an hour after every feeding trying to get him to sleep.  please tears yet again out of stress, exhaustion and fear of having a terrible sleeper.  thanks.   

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Re: 4 week old taking 20 minutes!!!
« Reply #9 on: October 28, 2009, 00:06:33 am »
I remember the tears of stress, exhaustion and feeling like everything was falling apart all too well.  :-*

I've copied this over from my post on the Shh patt support thread (over in General Sleep). Hope it helps. It's long...

First up, apologies: this is a LONG reply. Hopefully you'll find something useful in here to help you with sshh patt; sorry if not.

I started shh patt at 8 or 9 weeks when I discovered BW, thank GOD. Until then DS was a babe in arms and only slept on me, or by trickery. It is a tough call that only you can make: you need rest, LO needs rest but you want to do it in a way that doesn't create more problems. And it is hard, so don't go beating yourself up when you need to AP to get through tough times. Don't beat yourself up at all. 

So shh pat. It got my LO off my chest and into his crib pn the first go so I am a massive fan. I think for some babies the combination of shh and patt can be too much (the closer they got to 3 months I found).  This is what I did to get him off me and in that crib, and stay there:

 * make that crib nice and cosy: I stuffed a couple of hand towels rolled up down the sides so it was soft and snug against his body. When he was really tiny I also took off the top I was wearing (so it smelled like what comforted him) and popped it in there too (side or underneath. A muslin that's spent a few hours under my top, tucked in my bra also worked well - folded and tucked along where a pillow would be. Great for spitups.... Oh, and a wheattie or heatpack or hot water bottle to warm up the bed just a little helped me too - but make sure that you take it out of the cot before you put them in and that you've thoroughly checked for any hotspots!! Or put the blanket on a warm radiator first. Again; warm not hot. Anything that would make you feel cosier if you were them, IYKWIM?

 * find a rhythm that works for you both: the first time I tried shh patt it didn't work. I was shhhing like a banshee; loudly, too fast, too stressed to be relaxing and sounded panicky. Patting as if in frenzy with tamborinne. Enter DH who (less stressed and tired) found a rhythm for us. My shhh sounds, to me, like water coming in over pebbles in the tide and back out it's stronger in the middle and long. Then I got my pat rhythm too, I tried the tick tock tick tock (I'd used a heart beat rhythm previously and that worked well too). Very gentle pat on middle of upper back. I kept in my head what it was meant to simulate: womb noises, the wooshing of fluids and the tick tock of your heart. Your LO's used to that sound; comfort. You're recreating it. Not loud, not stressed, not panicked...just gentle and try to tune out if you know what I mean? Sounds unbelievably anal but over a count / beat of 8 (tick tock = 2), my shh lasted 6. Silence for 2 counts and then ssshing started again. The pat was constant. To keep calm, I tried to think back to the times I would pat my tummy gently (or rub) when DS was on the inside and had hick-ups. We had more success when I was in that mindset - I found it easier to focus and not get so stressed.

 * swaddle. I initially didn't for the first few weeks of his life as he fought his way out (monkey) and was scared of them. But it worked for us and while he fought initially, he didn't relax anywhere near as well without it in the first few weeks of his bed. Swaddle wasn't needed after he was 3 months (around there)

 * right then. shh patt  him while holding him over your shoulder or, if you can, in a cradle position (less noticeable when LO's laid down). Keep it going: if screaming, be a little louder so LO can hear (but not so it's loud and scary) and quieter when they quiet down. As soon as you feel that lovely little body going a little more limp and floppy get ready for your move...and keep patting... and not move them into the sleeping position still in your arms...still patting, shhing, still your warmth. Now start moving into the crib / bed, still spspspspsp. lay down gently and keep your face close to theirs (oddly warm breath near his cheek would often resettle my LO when being moved), once you've laid down, keep spspspsps. Hard so you might need to lay on side to reach back or start patting on chest (I found back hard after a while so I started patting chest before I laid down and continued in crib), keep it going but start easing off the volume and the pressure of the pat, slowing both gently. I did this until he was in a deep sleep. And sometimes he'd wake, and the SP would begin again (while still in crib whenever I could). Sometimes I'd fall asleep SP'g. Gradually (but as quick as you feel you can) start doing less and less of the sp to get them to sleep: so aim to get them in their bed, comfortable and ready for sleep. Initially, wait with them until you know they're in the deep sleep. When I was desparate for DS to get a really good sleep, I'd stay with him so that if he stirred after 30 or 45 mins, I could get him back to sleep very quickly and with little effort (often just the gentle pressure of a hand on his chest could be enough). Investing time early on pays off; leave the room too early when they're just in a light sleep and you could be doing it all over again...

 *going down sleepy but awake: great to do this if you can. I couldn't initially. DH would put him in asleep, after a few mins of sleep in arms with SP (still SPg). I would put DS in as soon as I felt his head flop a little then get him to deep sleep in crib. Over the space of a week, I put him in the crib earlier and did less SP to get him to sleep. So...initially when his head flopped a little (just fallen asleep). Next time, just as head flops. Then just as body goes limp and relaxed but before the head flop... do you see what I mean. While in the bed, gradually do less SP to get them asleep. The shh pat is the means of you sneaking them into that bed without their noticing, IYKWIM

 * keep an eye on the road ahead: where you are heading - to be able to take your baby and, after a wind-down, lay them in their bed awake and leave them to put themself to sleep. It may seem madness, but it's where you want to get to. So everything you do should be a move towards independent sleep (there are times you can't. AP with rocking etc can be necessary when you both need rest). Over time (a couple of naps, a few days, a week - depends on babe) SP slows and eases off so it's your hand on chest with a little gentle pressure. And then nothing at all

 * cries whenever you lay him down: If you were in the cosiest place you can imagine, you'd be vocal when moved. You are warm, soft, smell like home and comfort and LO's world. Snuggled up with you is where they want to be more than anything so any move from this isn't really met with great joy. The aim is to get them so relaxed and focused on the sp that they don't really notice the move (helps if you're moving them somewhere warm!) and feel that you are still near (breath, warmth, pressure of patt initially). They don't know the bed is safe. But you do. Sounds obvious but in the frustrating sleep deprived hours I had to remind myself of that all the time to keep my sanity: babies are not rational.

My LO cried everytime put down for the first few days I think. And sometimes does now. If LO's distressed and upset, pick up and keep the sp going til they're relaxed again. And start the move again...frustrating, much? I tried to comfort in crib wherever possible, but sometimes it's not. Judge quickly the type of cry - a resettlable grizzle or an all out 'I need you' cry. I'd pick up if the latter and resettle with SP in arms; I'd try to resettle a grizzley cry in the crib but not always possible.

 * OT: I have a rule for me that we still stick to now. If OT and the usual thing (SP or GW) isn't working, then we AP to get DS to sleep by whatever means necesarry. I had 3 options I knew: pram (didn't always work for me), car (90% success here) and my snuggled against my chest (was 100% now 5%!  ). I'd pop him in the car first of all, check he was warm enough and drive. He woke if car stopped (rushhour was a 'mare), same with a pram. I would drive for hours if necessary around and around and around. Dual carriageways, ringroads, motorway...anything to get him asleep and see off the OT demons. The next nap we'd get back to that bed.

 * If bed isn't LO's favourite place, try the afternoon nap somewhere else that they like so they get a break of scene before nighttime. I did the pram for the afternoon nap. Slept better with fresh air, helped me get out and feel a little more human.

It's a horrifically really long post and I'm sorry. Just trying to give you everything I can think of to help you. Be patient, be calm, find your rhythm.



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Re: 4 week old taking 20 minutes!!!
« Reply #10 on: October 28, 2009, 08:45:31 am »
Remember, your lo is still soooo young, and you haven't been doing this long, so him being transferred from his snuggly mum to his crib too early is going to startle him and make him wake up. He doesn't know how to get to sleep on his own yet so he will probably need help going all the way to sleep.

IMO i would say hold him shh/patting until he is nigh on asleep, then slowly tranfer him. You want him maybe to move just a tad when you put him down so he isn't fast asleep, then just continue to pat if thats what works. With my lo, i used to just shh/pat until she was nigh on asleep then put her down and just keep shhhing and didn't continue to pat as it just woke her up again!

Good news that shh/pat got him drowsy though as it shows it will work. At 4 weeks, don't worry about putting him down too early etc! Better he get the sleep being put down asleep than to stay awake for ages and end up OT IYKWIM! You can once he is sleeping get him down earlier and earlier until he will eventually be going down alone. It took me until Adaia was about 9 weeks to be able to let her fall asleep completely indepently so just take it slowly and enjoy your little one.

Good luck and stay strong.

Huge ((((Hugs))))

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Re: 4 week old taking 20 minutes!!!
« Reply #11 on: November 01, 2009, 01:29:36 am »
Hi, hon...just wondering how things have gone lately.  *hugs*
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Re: 4 week old taking 20 minutes!!!
« Reply #12 on: November 02, 2009, 20:24:23 pm »
thanks for checking in on me...we are alive...barely :)  yesterday was a terrible day for everyone in my 2 yr old has been sick, grumpy and off schedule due to the time change so he has been a terror which has made everyone on edge a bit.  however my baby (now 5 weeks) had a terrible day too.  he was up from 2am-4am the night before, fed him at 4am, was back up awake again at 6:30 that morning.  fed him at 7am and put him down for his nap only an hour after he woke up.  he went down easily (used shh/pat just until he was in the crib and then just did shh until he settled).  he woke 20 minutes into his nap and refused to settle the rest of the time until his next feeding.  fed him the next time and put him down for his nap again, he slept a mere 20 minutes and was back up...this time i gave him the pacifier (out of shere frustration and desperation for him to sleep) and he fell asleep for another 1.5 hours w/o needing my assistance again.  the rest of the day, he just did little catnaps here and there.  last night, he slept from 12:30 - 4:30am, woke up for a quick feed, fell back asleep nursing and had a VERY restless sleep until about 7am this morning.  i will say that for some odd reason, i got him down w/o much assistance at 8:40 (so 1 hr and 40 min of A time), he fell asleep totally on his own in the crib (b/c i had to attend to my 2 yr old's breakfast) and slept for an hour and 20 minutes straight w/o making a peep.  then woke up, didn't want to eat for another hour and has been catnapping in the carseat or in the swing ever since then b/c we had to run to the grocery.  so here are my questions so far:

1.  was an hour and 40 minutes A time the right time for him or did i just get lucky?  it seems that that is a lot of A time for a 5 week old, but it did work...or maybe he was just really tired from a restless sleep the night before? 

2.  do you think i should act on putting him to bed on the first yawn?  when i take him back after the first yawn, he will yawn a thousand times while i'm holding him doing the shh/pat so i think he must be tired, but i'm wondering if i'm missing his window...maybe too early or perhaps too late?

3.  it seems that if he wakes up early from his naps, the only thing i can do to get him back to sleep is give him his pacifier.  the odd thing is that he doesn't need it to go to sleep initially, but always wants it when he wakes up early from his naps.  right now he is asleep in his swing (only b/c we just got back from the grocery store), but he will wake every 15 minutes or so and will want his pacifier.  if i give it to him, he will fall right back asleep.  i know the paci thing is not a good habit, but it does help him so much right now...especially when i can't be there to attend to him all the time.  i had to go put my 2 yr old down for his nap and needed my baby to sleep, so i gave him his pacifier, put him in the swing and now he's dozing. 

4.  what do you do when they wake early from the 3 hour EAS?  the schedule gets a bit messed up and becomes EASAE.  then i feel like we are off schedule the whole rest of the day. 

5.  what is a good nap length for a 5 week old...just don't want to expect too much so i won't be disappointed. 

okay, well, thanks again for your help.  i'm feeling still very discouraged overall, but was very pleased that i got an hour 20 minute nap out of him this morning...especially considering he was definitely awake when i put him down. 

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Re: 4 week old taking 20 minutes!!!
« Reply #13 on: November 02, 2009, 22:53:12 pm »
Hi there

So sorry that you've had such a rotten day. I'm about to go offline but will check back in tomorrow and try and look through what's been happening to see if I can spot anything.

For now, I thought that these might help:
 * - gives typical A times by age group so will help identify what might be too long an A time
 * - outlines a typical day for a 4wk old so I thought that might give you some ideas & reassurance

Will bob back tomorrow and look through it more carefully. And remember; you are doing a fantastic job. Fantastic. Don't be hard on yourself - you are so much on right now, you need to be your best friend not your biggest critic  :-*  :-*


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Re: 4 week old taking 20 minutes!!!
« Reply #14 on: November 03, 2009, 08:36:33 am »
Hi ,

Don't feel deflated! Just concentrate on the positives which sometimes can be sooo tiny just like your baby but focus on them and you'll get through each day! Sorry things haven't gone well recently, but yeah on the good nap!!!

It is possible that your bub is one of the few that can handle longer A times. Mine always has. But just watch carefully for OT and make sure he's not just sleeping longer from pure exhaustion as thats not good for bub.

Hope you find some useful info on the topics posted by charlotte.
