Ohhh, wish I could join you all in the "perfect day" group.....this pm catnap thing is getting worst and worst, and as a result, we are doing more and more one nap days, far more than i would want at only 12 months. Today, as I was shshing, rocking and jiggling (yes, all at once..lol!!) to try to get him to sleep, I started thinking about trying the short am/long pm routine...it never worked for us before, but clearly what we're doing now isn't working either..it was sooo beautiful though for awhile there, no nap refusals, looong amnap, easy short pm nap, 11.5h nights..ahhhh, the luxury!!
Here's our day today:
6:40am awake (short night though, 10hrs)
10:45-12:15 nap1
4:15pm (start trying for catnap..was falling asleep in my arms during windown, so looked favorable...put him down and he just played, and played....and played, with some fussing towards the end....UNTIL 5:30PM!!! Then i tried the APOP...no luck)
7:15pm asleep (tried for earlier bedtime, but it was already 6pm by the time i gave up on his catnap, should have given up earlier!!)
So, after 4 hours A time, he doesn't seem to want to nap again..i've tried a longer A and same thing. Maybe he's actually overtired and could do with a shorter A??? I'll give it one more day and do the shorter A time, but I really have my doubts.
For those of you doing the short am/long pm, what A times work for you? I haven't tried it in sooo long and wouldn't know where to start.....just wondering so that i have an idea what to do with him. LOL!! I just know i've got to tweak something, i don't feel like we're going in the right direction at all.
I'm returning to work next month (yuck!!) and the thought of leaving him with someone during such 2-1 chaos makes me nervous...i mean, if I can't get it right with all the reading and posting i've done here, how can I expect someone else to get it right?