OMG!! I need a shoulder to cry on. I don't know what happened to my good sleeper. It started a day before her birthday she started increasing her pm A to 4.75 hrs so we were getting bedtime refusal until about 8pm. Then when we sorted that out she wad falling asleep for bedtime with no fuss. During her birthday weekend she had horrible napping and crying to sleep at night which I could understand because maybe of the overstimulation of guests. The week following she slept 2 beautiful naps for my mom from 9-10:20 and 1:30-2:45 so things were back to normal. This was up until last week
Woke 6ish
Naps as mentioned above
Bedtime and asleep by 7:30/7:40
Then daylight savings happened last Saturday so I did w2s at 2 am and got a 7 am wake up (new time) on Sunday and from then on it's been a disaster!
On Sunday she cried and screamed to sleep at 9, 10, and finally sleeping for 40 mins at 10ish by staying with her until asleep. Then she did the same in the afternoon but wouldn't nap at all. I tried an early bedtime of 6 that day and she didn't fall asleep until her usual time of 6:30, but that half hour was hell of her screaming bloody murder which she's never done before.
Now for the rest of the week it's been a battle getting her to nap after 3 hrs A 4, 5, even 6 which she ends up falling asleep in my arms. The moment she enters her room she cries. This all happens during the day, not really at night. So yesterday I thought we had a breakthrough where she woke 6, nap 11-12 and 6:30 bedtime. We were following her cues for the most part and guessing she was ready for 1 nap because of all the resistance.
Well today was a disaster! She would not nap at all, until my dh ytook her to the park to walk a bit and when she came back she couldn't take it anymore that she burrowed her face, I gave her the paci, she cried and started falling asleep on my arms...the moment I tried putting her in the crib she threw a fit, so I let her fall asleep on my arms because I was desperate. That was a 45 min. Nap til 4:10 and she was a mess until bedtime which she fell asleep on her own without a fuss at 6:45.
So I really don't know to get her to sleep in the day anymore without going through this torture ! (and yes she's teething)