Author Topic: WHAT AM I DOING WRONG???  (Read 973 times)

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Offline Kristin Hooper

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« on: October 28, 2009, 18:08:15 pm »
My daughter is 11.5 months old. She has always been a good sleeper. I recently got rid of her pacifier (1 week without it!!). Her night sleeping has improved since she was starting to have night waking for the pacifier. However, her naps are almost totally gone! She has been on EASY since born.  Since the pacifier has been gone she has given up her a.m nap (although she is clearly tired) and it is a fight to get her to go down for p.m. nap. Then she will only sleep for 45 minutes and wakes up crying. I have tried to fine-tune her wind down for naps but she resists, wants to crawl around, doesn't want to sit with me (we usually read a story and cuddle).  By the time I put her in her crib she stands up, plays, stalls for sleep and I use PU/PD to get her to sleep (she thinks it's a game.). I have been using PU/PD for extending the nap.  She gets so wound up that she ends up being wide awake. I have tried wake to sleep yesterday and I don't think I woke her enough.  But she still got up at 45 minutes.  It's not a long enough nap for her as she is whiny and clingy the rest of the day.  By the way, she sleeps 12 hours at night, wakes around 7:30-7:45 a.m.  What am I doing wrong here??? It really doesn't help that I'm sick as a dog right now, where do you get the patience from?

Offline *Jo*

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« Reply #1 on: October 29, 2009, 00:17:28 am »
hi Kristin, are you able to put up your routine, even if its only what happened yesterday? we may be able to spot something and help you out


Offline Kristin Hooper

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« Reply #2 on: October 29, 2009, 01:00:24 am »
-Wake up is usually @7:30-8:00 am (get dressed-she's often damp through-and diaper change).
-Breakfast (bottle and cereal and yogurt).
-Activity from about 8:45 or 9:00 including washing up, playing with toys.
-She starts rubbing eyes and yawning @9:30-10:00 (she was napping then until we got rid of the pacifier-she would nap for about an hour). We have wind down time in her room with the lights off and the curtains shut, usually a story and cuddle, if she will sit with me).
-Usually ready for a nap around 10-10:30, but she now won't settle in bed.  She stands up REPEATEDLY and I put her down-it seems to be a game to her.  Eventually it's time for next bottle.
-Bottle around 11:30.
-Lunch solids around 12:00.
-Afternoon nap wind down starts @1:30 (same ritual, same problem settling but she is usually pretty tired by now and maybe only takes 15-20 min of PU/PD).
-Lately for a week since we got rid of the pacifier she has only slept 45 min (you could set a clock by her).  Today she slept 1 hour. She wakes up crying quite hard.  PU/PD seems to get her very upset now.
-Bottle @ 3:30-4:00.
-Supper solids @5:00-5:30.
-Activity including bath @6:45.
-Bottle and cuddle for bed by @7:30.
She is sleeping through the night better now since the pacifier is gone.  She still wakes sometimes but is usually easy to get back down.  I do think she is teething which makes for fitful sheep.  Plus she just took her first steps tonight, so she may have troubhe sleeping because of that, but the nap thing is definitely since the pacifier went.

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« Reply #3 on: October 29, 2009, 01:51:50 am »
I would say its developmental but also it looks like the start of the 2-1 nap transition, take a look at this link

Offline Kristin Hooper

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« Reply #4 on: October 29, 2009, 18:30:54 pm »
Thank you. I printed that section so I can refer to it and highlighted the parts I know apply to us.

Today she woke at 8:30 a.m (after waking this a.m at 4:30 for an hour and needing some teething relief, at least, that's all I could think of that may be wrong!) and went through the usual motions and I got her to nap at 1:00. She woke at 1:30 screaming crying. I tried PU/PD again with her to get her back to sleep and we both ended up in tears. She ended up getting up, against my better judgement, because she got so worked up with PU/PD she almost threw up. I think she is now in a spiral of OT.  How do I get out of it???

It's as if aliens snuck in and stole my Angel/Textbook baby and replaced her with this kid who is constantly whining and clinging to me because she is so tired and won't sleep! I feel like I've lost all control of the situation.  I've always felt like I could read her well and she was easy to handle, but ever since the pacifier has been gone, she is a different sleeper.  I'm starting to miss the pacifier!!!  It doesn't help that I've been sick this week and I'm afraid she will get sick next. Who knows what havoc that will wreak???

If I can get her out of OT maybe I can get control again. Any suggestions on how? I'm thinking early bed tonight and maybe wake earlier in the a.m so she will nap in the a.m???

Offline *Jo*

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« Reply #5 on: October 30, 2009, 01:42:07 am »
Im not 100% sure as ive never been through the 2-1 transition, perhaps an early bedtime is best, i would suggest going to the 2-1 support thread and asking there as they are all going through the same thing :)