I was just reading old posts on this, so I know the age of when to start offering pb seems to vary. My LO had his 15 month check up last month and at the appt., I was discussing with the Ped how picky he is and how he doesn't get any protein at all. He can't eat dairy and drinks rice milk, which only has 1 gram of protein. She suggested trying peanut butter and recommends it after 1 year. We don't have any food allergies on either side and so far the only food allergy my LO has is cow's milk protein. However, he has GI issues and has food triggers that inflame his esophagus, and he is off of wheat, soy, eggs, and dairy. We have no idea which food of these is a trigger (other than the dairy). We only know that since eliminating these foods, he has been healthy. He did eat all of these foods without an allergic reaction and as a result, he was still able to get the flu shot, which has eggs in it. That being said, because of his disease, we are only allowed to introduce 1 food every 4-6 weeks to make sure that it doesn't inflame his esophagus.
I discussed trying pb with DH who thought that if our LO was going to have a severe reaction to peanuts, that he would have had one. Both he and I eat pb every day. I eat large quantities of it actually and it is my favorite food. I ate it while pregnant and while breast feeding. DH is of the opinion that he is sure it has been on one of us - our lips, our hands, whatever, before having contact with our LO.
I also shared my concerns with my mom, who pointed out that the paramedics are located less than 1 mile from our house and if he had a reaction, they would be here in minutes. Reassuring right?? thanks mom! lol Anyway, I know for some, 1 minute is too long.
So, we tried pb this morning. My goal was to give 1 bite of toast with pb on it and then give him something else for breakfast. But he loved it and freaked when I didn't give him more. As a result, he had more, but it was less than 1/2 tsp. Since then, I have been staring at him. I won't leave the house and run errands. I am just scared. DH made me get off of the internet this morning, because I kept making myself more scared. For those that have had a reaction, how quickly did it develop? Also, how many different exposures to pb did it take?