Hi guys,
I'm wondering if someone has some advice or experience to share. DS just turned 1 year old and I've been BF-ing him since birth (yay!). About a month ago he started day care 3 days a week; by then he was already down to 3 BFs a day and solids well established, so I figured it would be easier to just give him formula for the mid-afternoon feed (from a cup) than to pump. (My supply dropped a lot at around 9 months, when he was still doing 4 feeds a day. He went down to 3 feeds at around 10.5 months.)
However, lately I have noticed that a) my let down is really slow; b) he used to do suck-swallow suck-swallow but now it's more like suck-suck swallow; and c) when he is 'done' he looks up at me, a bit frustrated, and gives me this 'eh, where's my milk?' face. So I don't know what to do
I have tried to nurse him a lot more times on the days when he is home (Wednesday, and Fri, Sat and Sun), but that hasn't seemed to increase my supply in any recognizable degree. Also, DS is so easily distracted when there is no let down, and when I've tried to add nursing sessions he basically would pull off because there was no milk, so even though I'm getting a bit of stimulation I'm not actually getting the let down to empty the breast to make more milk.
I'm also taking fenugreek, which seemed to help initially, but not really any more. So I was wondering - is 2 feeds a day too few to produce enough milk for DS? Should I take more fenugreek? (I take 2-3 tablets 2x per day, usually right after a feed.)
When DS was 10 months we were on holiday and he slept really poorly so I resorted to AP-ing and BF'd him at night (even though he had night weaned already). During that vacation I noticed my supply increasing but that was due to BF-ing at at least 6 times in a 24 hour period (4x in the day, 2-3 times in the night). Now I don't really want to feed him 6x a day just to up my supply. But I'm not really too keen on pumping either, because since my supply dropped significantly at 9 mo, I've had a really really hard time getting anything from pumping.
I guess my questions are: 1) is this normal for someone who is BF-ing only 2x per day? 2) is there anything else I can do to up my supply? and 3) should I be concerned about how much milk my LO is getting if he seems dissatisfied after a feed? I don't know if I should also offer him some formula after a BF --I don't want him to think that's just the 'easy way out' and give up BF-ing altogether. I would really like to BF him for another few months (at least through the winter) so any help would be greatly appreciated!