Author Topic: My 5 month old wakes every hour and wont nap through the day - I am so confused  (Read 9051 times)

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Offline Samsmum14

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Thank you

My partner did the put to bed routine and he went done after 45 mins - he really cried alot harder tonight - like pure temper . My oh said 'wow what a grumpy b*gger he is ' I was proud as I thought he was going to give in. I keep telling it will get worse and we need to stick together. Cant believe its been 2 days without his dummy !! Throwing them out was the best thing as I would have got it out I think.

I am going to get the ear plugs out and get some sleep before the next slog xx

Offline anna*

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He's doing well you know - 45 mins really isn't bad when you're weaning the dummy. Fingers crossed for an OK night tonight. :-*

Offline Katet

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Well done.
One thing I would suggest is if he wakes say 20mins after you settle him at say 2am take that as a cue he probably needs a feed (reasonable to expect at least 1 night feed at 5mo), particularly if he has been unsettled & crying lots at an earlier time in the night, when they cry they get dehydrated & that can increase waking, when teaching them to fall asleep at night without a prop, it is the first 2 wakeups that are the most vital, just make sure if you do feed in the night that you don't let him fall asleep while he is feeding, so if he starts to drift off stop the feed & put him to bed. 
dc1 July 03, dc2 May 05

Offline anna*

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Totally agree with Katet and as per prev posts - definitely allow for at least one night feed at this age.

Offline Adaias mom

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Well done for not giving up! As i said, 2nd night dd screamed for an hour so 45mins is good!

Hope you had a better night

Offline Samsmum14

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hey Hun

Just to let you know my little one slept from 8pm until 4

We gave him a dream feed and I tried for 15 mins to resttle at 4am and then gave him a feed. I gave him three ounces as I was worried he would mess his bottles for the morning up so he cried when he finished so I gave him water - should I have just given him the full 8 oz ? I was worried about him wanting a bottle at this time every night ?? 

Its still hard to get him to nap longer than an hour but he is doing so well - this morning he woke after his nap after 15 mins tried to resettle for 15min but he wouldnt go but half an hour later we had to put him down as he was overtired . I know you said wait until the next cycle but he wasnt ready for his bottle. Is this ok to do ..

He has always been a lovely baby but he is alot less whiney and its really refreshing not sticking his dummy in his mouth x

I love you ladies - thank you xx

Offline Adaias mom

  • Helen
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Well what a difference!!! 8 - 4!!! Thats brill!

IMO i would say if he is hungry at 4, 3oz won't be enough to stave his hunger. As previously said, he is still very young and so will probably need a night feed, so maybe up it to 5 - 6 oz so not a full feed so he is hungry again by wake up at 7 but enough to fill his tummy enough to let him easily fall back to sleep.

Don't worry about him needing the feed at that time all the time, what he will naturally do it put it back further and further until he is sleeping 8 - morning with a DF then when solids are established you will find he is less hungry in the morning and so can start to wean or ditch the DF, (not til about 7mths so don't panic lol)

I am sure once he is really used to not having the dummy, and you get his A times right you will achieve thos nice long naps and your whole household will be a happier and much more rested place.

Offline anna*

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you are doing so well!!! :-* :-* :-* Agree with pp, it is totally normal for them to need a full night feed in addition to the dreamfeed at this age, I would just give him a decent feed and get him back down to sleep quickly. What brilliant progress!!

Offline Samsmum14

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Thanks I will give him a good feed then  :)

He went down at 7 ish and he woke for a dream feed but as much as we tried not to let him fall asleep on the bottle he did - just went within a second.  ::) I think I might try and rouse him a little if he does that , he is usually asleep but I think we woke him up as we had friends over . I went to check on him and he was out of it - 1 min later he was screaming.

I just cant believe how well he is doing .. I am so happy  :D I am not goign to tempt fate but its going good and hopefully he will get better as we go along.

Offline Adaias mom

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Oh i am sure things will just keep getting better. Did he do anything different feeding wise yesterday? If he woke for his DF yes you may have woken him, but he was probably hungry. You will probably find that now he can sleep on his own he will only wake if hungry or in discomfort. Just learn his different cries in regards to if he is pain or hungry and nights become sooo much easier!

Really happy that things have gotten so good so quickly! Enjoy your sleep!

Offline anna*

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From bedtime til morning, it's fine to feed to sleep. Don't worry about putting him down awake from a night feed.

Offline Samsmum14

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Thank you all so much for all your help .

He slept like a dream again until 4.30 and then until 7.45 ( alarm didnt go off )


Offline anna*

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Ah that is brilliant!! ((((((hugs))))) well done to all three of you!!! :-*

Offline Adaias mom

  • Helen
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Oh Brills! Keep us posted on how well you are doing xxx

Offline Samsmum14

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hey Ladies

Didnt have such a good night - he was really unsettled between 2 and 5. I did give him a feed but it still took a while to get him off. He has cried so hard these last few days that his throat is so croaky. Do you think that this is the delayed 'it gets worse before better' His naps have been awful too - back down to 30 mins :-(

I get really confused on the naps and find it hard to read his cues - I seem to be getting it really wrong. He seems to be going down too tired or too awake. I have been trying to have a wind down time and he goes nuts half way through - not sure if its tiredness or like your little one he anticipates nap times. The only place he will stay asleep is his pram but not sure its a good idea to get him used to sleeping there x

Im feeling a little deflated today :-( need to get my focus back on track ....... x