I'm in the same boat. 7.5 month old dd, on solids since 6 months. We've brought the DF from 10:45pm to 9:15pm, without affecting her 7am wakeup time, but now we're in the middle of the first 2 teeth, and the evening is a bit screwed up.
One interesting thing that happened this week is that dh gave lo a bottle, and she only took 3.5 oz - so I feel like we're near the end.
As the DF gets earlier, it's closer to the bedtime feed, so I would expect lo to be less and less interested.
How do you know if you're Lo is ready for the change? I'm not totally sure about that - but if you start the process, and still have regular awake and bedtimes, that would be a start. Also, the hungriness in the morning would be perfect for lo being motivated to take more calories then, especially since bottle feeders add oz to the morning feeds.
It certainly is nice to have an earlier night! Also will make it possible to get a baby sitter and go out for an evening! (still working on that one here.)