Here's to another crib party!!! Ughhh...this time I woke at 3:40am to find DS just staring into space, playing occasionnaly, but mainly just doing the staring thing.....I don't even know how long he'd been awake before that, but he only went back to sleep at 4:45am...he never cried or fussed once...I know some mommies would think that's great, but I just wished he'd do something so I could intervene and get him back to sleep. Is this behavior terribly strange?lol
I don't really think he was OT at bedtime, but our pm nap was a bit late, mainly because I had left him with the sitter with specific instructions on when to start the winddown and when to ensure he was in the crib....with plenty of time to allow him to fall asleep without crossing the OT mark....well, I guess to the general public, 10 minutes late is just 10 minutes and shouldn't make a difference, right? Not with Caleb though....10 minutes is enough to mess up his sked, just such a sensitive baby. So, when the sitter put him down 10 min later than i had instructed, he took about 35 minutes to settle and had an OT nap of 1h10. Here's yesterday's EASY, which preceded last night's crib party:
10:15-11:15 am nap (i woke him)
2:45-3:55 pm nap (ideally, i would have had him asleep by 2:15pm)
7:30pm ( didn't even seem tired during his bedtime routine, usually his eyes are closing while drinking his bottle, but not this time....strange considering his pm nap was a bit shorter than usual)
I'm going to look back at my sleep notes, but I'm starting to wonder if the crib parties haven't started since I've been waking him during his morning nap......maybe he's the type that would just prefer to go the long stretch during the am nap and shorter for the pm nap. I would let him do that if he just wasn't soooo miserable after the short pm nap.
Anyways, I just can't figure out if he's waking at night because he's OT..he doesn't cry at all and is playful, so it looks like he's making up for not enough A time during the day......however, his A times have increased dramatically lately and he's getting LOTS of playtime. Here I though our set nap lengths were working wonderfully!!!
Does anyone please have any advice on how to tweak this??? Liz? Mashimaro??