It seems that we're getting into a bit of a vicious cycle with EWs. DD is waking early and rarely can we get her to settle again, so her day is starting somewhere in the 530-6 range. Today she woke up whinging a bit at 4:55, but settled again until around 530, when DH went in to try again but with no luck. At 630 I fed her and she went down for her nap at 845. She seems to be able to handle a normal A time in the first EASY even with the EW...she napped for an hour in the am and 2 hrs in the pm.
Anyway, the thing I'm struggling with is when to put her down for the night? We had been on a 630 bedtime for quite awhile because she's fighting the CN big time. Now with the EWs I'm having trouble getting her to 630 - but any earlier to bed and she'll be up in the middle of the night thinking it's morning! Yesterday we had a similar problem and I tried desperately to get her to take a CN with no luck and tonnes of crying, today I didn't even try and really she was ok until about 6.
Guess I'm wondering if anyone has tips for both EWs and the bedtime question. Her days may be a bit on the long side...