Author Topic: if you have a 7 week old, can you post your EASY schedule?  (Read 1121 times)

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Offline newmom11

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if you have a 7 week old, can you post your EASY schedule?
« on: November 16, 2009, 10:33:57 am »
 i have a 7 week old son and am just trying to figure out what a good schedule for him would main thing i'm trying to figure out is bedtime...when do you do your last nap, when is bath, when is bedtime and the last feeding...what about a DF?  we are currently on a 3 hour schedule during the day with a wake time of anywhere from 7-8am so the rest of the day is set for every 3 hours from that point.  at night, we do our last feeding around 8 or 9...should that feeding be in the dark as if it's bedtime after that?  what if he just woke up from his catnap just 45 minutes before that feeding?  he is usually not ready to go down to sleep until he's been up for an hour and 15 minutes or an hour and a half at the latest.  just can't remember how to schedule my baby...also what time are your lo's going till in the middle of the night?

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Re: if you have a 7 week old, can you post your EASY schedule?
« Reply #1 on: November 16, 2009, 17:11:53 pm »
we have a 7 week old but have been failing miserably at EASY but going to try it again soon.

we tried bedtime at 7pm, or her feed approx round that time...but we have had to change it to around 10pm when we go to bed which has worked a little better, so we will move it forward a bit at a time and aim for 7pm.

we dream feed approx 10.30pm depending on her last feed...

We are formula feeding now but was bf until last week and she always only had one night waking around 3am

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Re: if you have a 7 week old, can you post your EASY schedule?
« Reply #2 on: November 17, 2009, 15:39:25 pm »
my lo is 8wks today so we are at similar stages.

If we start at 7, the E goes like this:

7-10-1-4-7-12-3ish-6ish (yesterday)
today because of the 6 start:

6-9-12-3 ?(he's asleep at the mo so I may be able to stretch him towards 4)

I was putting him down after the 7 bottle (feeding in the dark/dim room) without an A but this would sometimes cause a problem (he'd get upset-like I was forcing him to sleep) so now I wait til 8/8.30 when he gets tired and then put him down. Sometimes he has a bath after the 7 bottle as his A sometimes I leave him on his mat.
I'm still not sure myself if this is distingushing night and day for him. The only difference is that he is put down upstairs in his moses basket. He only sleeps in this at night. I also let him fall asleep in my arms-sometimes by rocking him! I know not good but I'm going to wait til he's three months to do pu/pd.

This is his longest stretch between bottles from 7 til 12ish. He doesnt respond well to DF so I really don't know whether to wake him at 11 and hope he will start to go longer here and eventually drop the 3 o'clock feed. I've tried it once and he just woke three hours later ie 7-11-2-5, so I wasn't achieving anything. I know it would take longer to see a change but I didn't want to start waking him if its not the right thing to do.

Hopefully someone could advise us both xx

Offline newmom11

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Re: if you have a 7 week old, can you post your EASY schedule?
« Reply #3 on: November 17, 2009, 22:20:20 pm »
what are your naps like? ours are all over the place.  he will take one good nap a day in the swing (not a good idea i know, but i need a break while my 2 year old naps or else i would be crazy).  the rest of the naps are hit or miss as to how long they last. 

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Re: if you have a 7 week old, can you post your EASY schedule?
« Reply #4 on: November 18, 2009, 03:52:37 am »
Just wanted to pop on to share some info about PU/PD. This is a tool for somewhat older babies (4 mo and up) but is often stopped after a certain age as well b/c it is overstimulating. It is also something that is used as a last resort after all other sleep aides have failed. There is a lot of information within the sleep section about this topic. Please read through it carefully before deciding to try this in the future.

newmom-have you read through the sample routines for 0-3 months?

Catnaps at the end of the day are usually shorter sleeps. An hour or less....often 30-45 minutes. As a result, los are ready for sleep again in a shorter amount of time than usual as they did not get a good chunk of restorative sleep. The catnap is more like a powernap that just gets you through until you can properly sleep (ie: bedtime).


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Re: if you have a 7 week old, can you post your EASY schedule?
« Reply #5 on: November 22, 2009, 00:12:19 am »
Thought i'd add my two cents.  My dd is 8 wks, and her naps are all over as well.  She usually has one good 2 hr nap a day, the rest are about 45 min to an hour.  She still eats every 2-3 hrs, but my 2 yr old ds was the sam even at 3 mths.  She usually goes to bed around 7, sometimes earlier as we have a lot of trouble getting any cat nap at all.  We had tried the df, but after a week of not making a difference we have stopped for a while, and will try again soon.  She is up twice at night, sometime between 12 and 2, then again around 4-5.  She eats and goes right back to sleep, then is up for the day between 6-7.