I'm a FTB'r (single side) and have a question. My daughter (4 weeks) seems to get very gassy about an hour after a feed. When I let down, I can hear her chugging and gasping the milk down and can almost feel the gas bubbles going down her poor little tummy. Sometimes she will cough and choke. I've tried pulling her off at this point and burping her, which results in her screaming (and not burping), and milk spurting everywhere! I've tried Mylicon before, in the middle and after a feeding. No help. 've tried gripe water (which works great when she takes a bottle of BM at night from DH, but doesn't work in combo with the breast).
I try to burp her after feedings, but particularly at night, I don't get anything out of her (again, on the breast. With the bottle she'll let out great burps). She's usually too relaxed and asleep after feeding on the breast. The main problem is that she will wake an hour after a feeding, screaming in pain. I know it's gas b/c when she co-slept on my chest, I would feel her scrunch up, she would scream and cry until she passed the gas. Unfortunately it's not just one little toot - it's hours worth of gas, which means she gets very little sleep toward the end of the night and starts the day overtired.
My question is - is there anything I can do to help her manage my letdown? I also think I'm producing a lot of milk (although I can only get 2-3 oz when I pump), because she seems overfull and uncomfortable sometimes with a swollen little belly, and she also seems to want to eat every 4 hours instead of every 3. When I try to enforce 3 hour feedings, she again gets overfull, uncomfortable and very gassy/poopy. Thoughts on this as well? I think 4 weeks is a little early to go to feedings at 4 hours, but 3 hours isn't really working for us either! (She was 6 lbs 11 oz when born, 6 lbs 4 oz at 5 days, and I'm guessing about 7.5 or 8 lbs at 4 weeks, although we go to ped tomorrow).
Any advice would be appreciated! I have 2 other children (and BW was a huge help to me when they were little!), but didn't nurse either of them, so this is new to me! I just want her to be more well rested and not so uncomfortable! She's a great sleeper when the gas is not an issue!