Author Topic: Can someone guide me please?  (Read 702 times)

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Can someone guide me please?
« on: November 18, 2009, 22:33:55 pm »
Hi everyone!
Thank you all for your wonderful advice and support.   This site has been such a blessing and I am so glad to have this to turn to.  Currently, I am having some trouble with my 10 month (today!!) son.  He has been sleeping wonderfully through the night and on 2 naps a day for quite some time.  This last week or so, he has decided to take a really long morning 2-2.5 hrs...and then not take an afternoon nap at all.  Should I wake him early from those naps so he will still take an afternoon nap? 
The past couple days have looked like this...

6:00 wake
6:45 bottle (since hes been doing this, 600 is the latest he will sleep and seems REALLY hungry by 645 so I go in...)
745 ish solids
930/940-1130/1200 Nap
1130/12 bottle
1230/1 solids
try for nap #2 at around 3.5 hrs awake time and he will play for 20-30 mins, they scream in the crib.  I will go in and try PU/PD or just talk to him from the door.  he sees me and gives a huge grin and jumps up and down...
Btwn 3-4 bottle  (He will tend to fall asleep during this bottle and I don't want to create that habit.)
430/500 solids
bed by 530/6 since he has been awake 6/6.5 hrs.

What am I missing??

Today, he happened to sleep only 1 hr 20 mins for a morning nap and just went to sleep about 10 mins ago as I was typing this.  So yay for a nap today!!  Do you think that is the answer or does it sound like he could be beginning the transition from 2-1 nap and I am missing the cues??

Thank you for any help!

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Re: Can someone guide me please?
« Reply #1 on: November 18, 2009, 23:15:59 pm »
I would say that the 2-1 is looming.  ;)  The transition takes a long time, but there is a surprising amount of thought and prep work that goes into it I've found!  lol  Maybe this link will get you started:

You probably have the right idea about limiting the am nap to get the pm nap in.  TBH, there are a few different routes to the 2-1 you could take, so it is good to have some idea of which one you'd like to choose.  :)

My LO was never really a good napper, but around that age we started doing 2x1hr naps (sometimes the am would be 1hr 15mins for so).  Then I started pushing the am nap further back and shortening the pm nap.  This started some problems as he began refusing the pm nap, so I couldn't get him to take two naps but he wasn't ready for one.  So I reversed my plan and did a shorter am nap, then moved the pm nap up and that has been working for us.  Lots of moms take that route, others find keeping a longer am nap and pushing it back works for them.  It will really depend on you and your LO.

You could check out some of the 2-1 support threads for more ideas of what other moms have been doing.  :)
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Re: Can someone guide me please?
« Reply #2 on: November 19, 2009, 00:55:21 am »
I agree with martina, weve been doing the short AM nap/long PM nap for awhile now but only recently we swapped it round as we found he was getting grumpy all afternoon, now that we have swapped it he is much happier after a long AM nap. it all depends on your LO!