Author Topic: NW - feed? It's been 3 hours...  (Read 727 times)

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NW - feed? It's been 3 hours...
« on: November 18, 2009, 22:52:55 pm »
My 12wo LO is waking at night after about 3 hours since his last feed and I'm not sure if I'm doing the right thing by offering a feed.
I understand he won't be STTN right now, and I have no problem feeding him at night but I'm just not sure if he NEEDS to feed every 3 hours at night.
He feeds every 2.75-3hrs during the day, with a cluster feed in the late afternoon.
His bedtime is between 6 and 6:30pm, sometimes 7 if he is really hard to settle (happens cos he is a terrible napper).

From weeks 5 - 9 he slept from 6:30pm til about 2 or 3am with the help of a DF, then down again til 5or 6ish. But since about 9.5 weeks, he's been up every three hours from the DF (given between 10 - 11, depending if he wakes or not. We prefer the non-waking 11pm!).

He also has a pretty regular wakeup at about 9pm. (My husband usually settles him so we don't feed at this time, even though it's been 3 hours since the last feed).

I've moved him back into our bedroom as he is up so often and I usually wake before he does. So I know that his usual sounds before waking is a lot of grunting followed by very loud farts, followed by medium cries followed by bigger farts and then full blown cough cries.
I'm very confused about whether he is waking because of gas or if as he wakes due to hunger, he gets wind...

Taking it one day at a time.