I was doing a dreamfeed for about a month, but honestly it wasn't working well, it caused her to wake more. And I kept playing around with the timing of it with no success. So now at 3 1/2 months, I just started letting her sleep from 8pm until 6 am. I wake her at 6 am and feed her and she goes back to sleep. I pump before bed at 10:30 and then after I wake her at 6 as I am very full and uncomfortable. I have had to pump in the middle of the night too to ease some pressure - hopefully this will even out soon! It does freak me out that she is going 10 hours without eating, but she seems to be fine. She still gets 6 feeds in a 24 hour period, and frankly by doing the dreamfeed, I don't think she was getting much anyway - she would only nurse for about 5 minutes and it didn't really drain my breast anyway.