Author Topic: Wake to feed at 3 months?  (Read 1294 times)

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Wake to feed at 3 months?
« on: November 21, 2009, 23:33:43 pm »
My ds is now 3 months and generally gets in 7-8 feeds in a 24 hour period. I find he will feed around 5-6pm, then I gently wake him by doing a diaper change around 11pm after which I feed him, then he will wake and feed sometime between 2-4am.

Last night I fell asleep waiting for him to stir so he slept through 11pm and woke at 2am which means he went 8 hours w/o feeding (and I went 8 hours w/o feeding or pumping- ouch). Dh was awake and said ds never woke at that time. Should I be waking him if this happens again? I don't know if it's good for him to go this long w/o a feed and I am concerned that it will lessen my supply. He won't do a df at all. During the day he likes to go 2-3 hours between feeds but not longer. Going that long without means that he had a total of only 6 feeds. Should I wake a sleeping 3 month old?
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Re: Wake to feed at 3 months?
« Reply #1 on: November 22, 2009, 02:57:13 am »
At night, there's no need to wake them once they're past about 1 mo. old. 8 hours can be pretty normal for a 3 mo. old. Mine is almost 3 and he goes 7 most nights (9pm-4am). Although, 5-6 is pretty early to go down for the night. I might try to make that a little later by playing with your schedule a bit- or at least get another feed in- maybe around 8?

My bbs hurt at first when he went to 7 hrs. but they got used to it after a few days. Your body will get used to the new schedule and you'll make plenty of milk when you need it. Enjoy the sleep!
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Offline Peek-a-boo

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Re: Wake to feed at 3 months?
« Reply #2 on: November 22, 2009, 03:29:48 am »
I made this post a while ago when my DD was 5 weeks old and going 7-8 hours some nights:

Samuel's Mum, who does lactation consulting IRL and is super cautious about these things said:
Quote (selected)
I AM Overly cautious.
Answering from a PURELY personal position I am concerned about milk supply and baby's weight gain. I would probably feel comfortable about 6 hours + after around 3 months.
This is JUST me. I know it sounds daft. I don't have any factual basis for saying 3 months.

So even from a super-cautions, lactation-over-sleep perspective, at 3 months you should be fine with him sleeping through that 11:00 feed.  Your breasts will adjust as pp said.  :)

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Re: Wake to feed at 3 months?
« Reply #3 on: November 22, 2009, 15:27:05 pm »
Thanks ladies, and Peek-a-boo, I have to laugh at your old post as I was the same in thinking ds had "d**d" when I woke up and realised he didn't wake for a feed (gee, I can't even say the word!).
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Re: Wake to feed at 3 months?
« Reply #4 on: November 24, 2009, 16:05:49 pm »
I was doing a dreamfeed for about a month, but honestly it wasn't working well, it caused her to wake more.  And I kept playing around with the timing of it with no success.  So now at 3 1/2 months, I just started letting her sleep from 8pm until 6 am.  I wake her at 6 am and feed her and she goes back to sleep. I pump before bed at 10:30 and then after I wake her at 6 as I am very full and uncomfortable.  I have had to pump in the middle of the night too to ease some pressure - hopefully this will even out soon!  It does freak me out that she is going 10 hours without eating, but she seems to be fine.  She still gets 6 feeds in a 24 hour period, and frankly by doing the dreamfeed, I don't think she was getting much anyway - she would only nurse for about 5 minutes and it didn't really drain my breast anyway.