My 7.5 month old has a cold, and I do too, but I have been having trouble getting him to take liquid feeds! He starting by refusing one side of the breast, but is now refusing both sides and skipping breast feeds altogether! His appetite is in tact (eating his solids), but he arches his back, turns his head and cries everytime I offer him the breast.
The other problem is he is terrible on the bottle, he mostly refuses it. He takes "sips" from his sippy cup, which I have put expressed milk in, but nothing substantial.
I am sure this all started because of his cold, he has congestion but I have been waiting till his blocked nose is cleared and tried and tried but he is still refusing. Generally he is happy and doesn't seem in too much discomfort. Should I be worried? The pediatrician is closed for the weekend, and this doesn't constitute an "emergency".