Author Topic: Weird Rash - what to do?  (Read 1966 times)

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Offline marilyn73

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Weird Rash - what to do?
« on: November 23, 2009, 05:59:28 am »
Hi All,
I've got an 8 month old dd with a rash on her cheeks and chin.  It started out on the chin just after starting solids, but also at the same time as learning to crawl and dragging herself with her chin pressed against the carpet - which is what I thought the cause was. 
Over the past 2 months, it's fluctuated, but got a little worse a week ago after going in a pool.  Same night, dd had roasted red peppers pureed (for about the 5th time), and bammo, 1 hour later had a really red rashy itchy face.  Also, of note, spent about 20 min eating a mum-mum (first time) after the peppers, and dh did the meal, leaving the clean-up until the end of the mum-mum.  Result - red peppers stayed smeared on face the entire time.
Baby was up for ages, had to run out to get benadryl, and hydrocortisone.
Face spent the week healing (no red peppers, but kept up all the rest of her foods) and the rash was sort of getting better, sometimes looking worse, and then again had a bad reaction to a dinner of banana/carrots/and cereal.  This time, it was my fault - a really long dinner with the beginnings of spoon refusal.  Food on face a long time....
Anyhow, I do have an appt with a dermatologist later this week, but in the mean time, I'm wondering if we should cut back on all her foods and re-start gradually again, introducting one at a time?
I don't think she's allergic to any food in particular, but more to the food being on already irritated skin. She didn't have any signs when I initially introduced the food, each for 3 days. 
I hope the dr is keen on trying to get to the bottom of it and doesn't just say "well obviously she's allergic to peppers, banana/and or carrots!"
I feel like I'm really going to have to play detective here and figure it out myself.
Any advice?  or similar experiences?


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Re: Weird Rash - what to do?
« Reply #1 on: November 23, 2009, 17:02:04 pm »
Hi there.

Glad to hear you have a dermatologist appointment this week.  Personally i would drop down to very bland, single foods (nothing marinated/combined) until then (perhaps slather her little face w/aquaphor before a meal as a barrier?).  anything acidic or questionable I'd keep at bay until after your appointment.  (btw - make sure you take some pictures in case the rash is gone by then so you can show the dr exactly what you're talking about!).  

Also - maybe do a mental check on anything were the red peppers roasted/sautee'd in anything different?  any new spices?  Has there been any other symptoms?  

My older daughter would get rashes every now and then (and actually still does), but wasn't/isn't allergic to any foods.  Just sensitive skin.  The cortisone works great, along w/some aquaphor in cold weather.

Good luck!  Let us know how the appointment goes.  
« Last Edit: November 23, 2009, 17:03:37 pm by scarlett'smom »

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Re: Weird Rash - what to do?
« Reply #2 on: November 23, 2009, 20:00:37 pm »
Alex is allergic to tomatoes and gets an awful rash on his face.
Can you post a pic so we can see what it looks like? Pics are handy, like pp said, I took one to the doc to make sure he believed me and it helped diagnose his allergy
hugs x

Offline marilyn73

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Re: Weird Rash - what to do?
« Reply #3 on: November 24, 2009, 01:57:17 am »
I did take a pic last night - just for proof, and I also looked at pictures over the past 2 months, so I could trace when things started and at what intensity.
I decided to eliminate everything but: mixed cereal, broccoli, avocado, and yogurt.  So none of dd's fave fruits (peaches, pears, apples, plums), and no banana or carrot which caused the last reaction (not sure which).
I also introduced chicken today, which I thought was quite bland/unlikely to cause probs.
Feeding's a little more challenging in the last 48 hrs as dd has decided she'd rather feed herself (after a couple of mum-mums last week), so spoon refusal is becoming an issue.  She never refuses avocado though, and she's pretty good with plain yogurt.  Broc (fave veggie) and cereal are more of a challenge.
I don't have any aquafor - what is it exactly?  Is it like vaseline?
We've been really careful introducing foods - no spices, single foods only, only steamed/boiled + pureed homemade food (well, raw pureed fruit).


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Re: Weird Rash - what to do?
« Reply #4 on: November 24, 2009, 15:21:09 pm »
Yes, Aqauphor is like vaseline.  Very thick, barrier type cream.

Re:  chicken.  Honestly, I wouldn't introduce anything new at all.  My DD2 had over 30 allergies/intolerances when first tested....chicken being one  (even rice!).  Up to you of course =)

How is she today?

Offline marilyn73

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Re: Weird Rash - what to do?
« Reply #5 on: November 25, 2009, 03:46:56 am »
Hmmm, interesting.  Anyhow, dd's face looks much better.  I think keeping the fruit off it is helping.  Avocado and yogurt don't seem to cause any irritation, and she's basically refusing cereal.  Broc was fine too.  I used plain vaseline today, with hydrocortisone before bed - no time to look for aquafor yet.  I wonder if it's available in Canada?
See the doc on Thurs - will post the diagnosis then,

Offline marilyn73

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Re: Weird Rash - what to do?
« Reply #6 on: November 30, 2009, 18:51:13 pm »
Ok, saw a pediatrician with a special interest in dermatology - really nice and helpful, spent at least 30 minutes with us.  Gave us 2 prescription creams - one strong for short term use (mometasone), and a weaker one (a mild hydrocortisone) for ongoing use.
4 doses of the strong one, and dd's peaches and cream complexion is back.  I'm truly amazed.  I've been feeding her everything as before (except the red peppers and bananas just in case).  He also said to use vaseline before meals if her skin was irritated, but we haven't even had to do that.
It was great to be able to get an appt so quickly - only 10 days after the flare-up, and could've been sooner if the time had been suitable.


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Re: Weird Rash - what to do?
« Reply #7 on: November 30, 2009, 20:20:34 pm »
Great news!!   ;D