Hi All,
I've got an 8 month old dd with a rash on her cheeks and chin. It started out on the chin just after starting solids, but also at the same time as learning to crawl and dragging herself with her chin pressed against the carpet - which is what I thought the cause was.
Over the past 2 months, it's fluctuated, but got a little worse a week ago after going in a pool. Same night, dd had roasted red peppers pureed (for about the 5th time), and bammo, 1 hour later had a really red rashy itchy face. Also, of note, spent about 20 min eating a mum-mum (first time) after the peppers, and dh did the meal, leaving the clean-up until the end of the mum-mum. Result - red peppers stayed smeared on face the entire time.
Baby was up for ages, had to run out to get benadryl, and hydrocortisone.
Face spent the week healing (no red peppers, but kept up all the rest of her foods) and the rash was sort of getting better, sometimes looking worse, and then again had a bad reaction to a dinner of banana/carrots/and cereal. This time, it was my fault - a really long dinner with the beginnings of spoon refusal. Food on face a long time....
Anyhow, I do have an appt with a dermatologist later this week, but in the mean time, I'm wondering if we should cut back on all her foods and re-start gradually again, introducting one at a time?
I don't think she's allergic to any food in particular, but more to the food being on already irritated skin. She didn't have any signs when I initially introduced the food, each for 3 days.
I hope the dr is keen on trying to get to the bottom of it and doesn't just say "well obviously she's allergic to peppers, banana/and or carrots!"
I feel like I'm really going to have to play detective here and figure it out myself.
Any advice? or similar experiences?