Author Topic: What Did Your Toddler Eat Today? Part Four  (Read 58915 times)

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Re: What Did Your Toddler Eat Today? Part Four
« Reply #360 on: February 11, 2010, 19:10:17 pm »
Thanks for your input Brenda - I really struggle with what's right and wrong on this . . . think I've heard or read so many differing opinions that I'm not sure what's 'right'.

Think A is definitely on the mend - she had a great night of sleep last night and has eaten quite well today too. I left her with my Mum for the morning while I was at work so she had snack and lunch there

B: porridge with raisins, few strawberries
S: organix cereal bar
L: scrambled egg and half a slice of toast, 2 satsumas, water
S: fruit humzinger bar
D: home-made quiche (with cheese & tomato), half a jacket potato with cheese, few strawberries with fromage frais, few little raisin biscuits and hot blackcurrant juice.

Just realised when I typed what she'd had - think she may well have overdosed on cheese and eggs today LOL!


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Re: What Did Your Toddler Eat Today? Part Four
« Reply #361 on: February 12, 2010, 09:31:06 am »
Not a bad day, apart from he's still throwing lots - keeps putting food in his mouth and then starting to chew, pulls a face and then takes the food out of his mouth and chucks it on the floor  ::)...think it must be his teeth as his nappies are *really* horrid at the mo..sorry tmi

so yesterday,
Breakfast - mini weetabix with some rasberries and yoghurt, couple of little chunks of cheese
snack - piece of raisin bread, breadstick
lunch - cheese and fruit pickle sandwich, half a banana, some milk
snack - pear, three tiny children's bicuits, cup of milk
dinner - pasta with white fish in a white sauce, peas and sweetcorn, yoghurt with some tinned prunes

today started off ok with breakfast of eggy bread (french toast?!), and a tinned pear.  Lunch will be leftovers from dinner - so pasta and fish in sauce.  Dinner will be homemade pizza with tuna, pineapple and mushrooms.


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Re: What Did Your Toddler Eat Today? Part Four
« Reply #362 on: February 12, 2010, 12:28:38 pm »
Jacob's eating is pretty much rock bottom again due to teething. They get so many flippin' teeth at this age don't they? I'm thinking I will let these canines come in and then tackle the issue properly - so will be asking you all for a 'game plan' in a few weeks. Top 2 have cut and are descending, and bottom 2 still to cut through.

Sigh - they are pretty rough though  :(.

Yesterday J ate
Breakfast - shreddies, bit of tea cake
S - few mini cheddar biscuits, humzinger bar, found a packet of finished childrens biscuits in my bag and ate all the crumbs out of it
S - 2 slices of cheese, 2 bites of banana, few raisins
L - wouldn't even consider trying (was a bit of spaghetti bolognase and pasta, and breadstick)
S - few little chocolates as he found his unfinshed advent calender in the cupboard  ::)
D - potato wedges, half a fish finger, fromage frais and a small bit of fruit cake

So essentially he is snacking and not eating meals properly again. But I don't feel it is fair to force too much structure when he is teething as I don't really know how much they hurt iyswim?

Bernie - I always offer something for dessert regardless of what he ate so that food isn't a reward for doing something right. That is why I am always trying to think of things that have *some* nutritional value  ::). Lunch I tend to do fruit and dinner I tend to do homemade cake or fromage frais. I tend to do the yoghurt if it has been a rubbish meal rather than any cake iyswim?

NO idea if I am doing it all wrong though. TBH I am often desperate for him to eat something  :(.

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Re: What Did Your Toddler Eat Today? Part Four
« Reply #363 on: February 12, 2010, 19:34:19 pm »
Thanks Liz - problem with Alice is that she always wants fruit AND yoghurt AND a biscuit LOL.

Having said that - today she has eaten much better but it must be one of the only days I can remember her NOT having any fruit  :o  (unless raisins count as a dried fruit?)

At home:
B: porridge with raisins, refused strawberries, milk

At CM:
S: raisins and milk
L: spag bol, cheesy garlic bread, water, yoghurt
S: cookies and milk

At home:
D: chicken and leek casserole with rice, 2 small fromage frais, refused strawberries (again  ::)), few mini raisin biscuits, hot chocolate

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Re: What Did Your Toddler Eat Today? Part Four
« Reply #364 on: February 13, 2010, 04:32:55 am »
Mashi-He is too funny. Ava keeps wanting to eat her playdough. She SAYS no eat, but if I turn my back......dun dun dun...right into the mouth.

Let me see if I can even remember wednesday:
B-Scrambled eggs with mushrooms, sun-dried tomatoes, and cheese / milk (didn't eat too much)
L-peanut butter and jelly I think. Did okay...maybe about 2/3 of the sandwich with no crusts / juice
D-Pasta w/ meatballs and sauce (later some bites of a concoction--see below)

B-Pancakes with raisins / milk
S-pretzel chips / juice
L-Leftover rice, sausage, mushroom, onion tomato sauce thing I concocted / water
S-? (at some point she helped herself to raisins by climbing onto a chair and getting the container where mommy had left it on the counter. Can't remember if it was this snack time or earlier)
D-Pizza toast / milk

B-Scrambled eggs / milk
L-DH gave peanut butter and jelly...wasn't interested...instead gave peaches / juice
S-crackers / milk
D-pizza night / milk

Something like that anyway. She's been taking a few bites only and wanting to get down again.

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Re: What Did Your Toddler Eat Today? Part Four
« Reply #365 on: February 13, 2010, 19:31:15 pm »
Today's been okay . . .

B: 2 x home-made strawberry pancakes with fromage frais and honey, milk
S: (in supermarket!) cheese twist from in-store bakery, couple of chunks of cheese from deli-samples
L: baked beans - left the toast (prob cos the cheese twist was HUGE!), juice
S: apple crisps, juice
D: on the plate was: 2 x fish fingers, mash potato, carrots, broccoli and cauliflower - DD ate 1 fish finger, tiny bite of broccoli and tiny bite of mash then signed 'finished'  ::), signed for a banana, signed 'share' to me so had a bite of my savoury flapjack (cheese & courgette - DD I made them today), signed for yoghurt so had 1 x fromage frais, milk

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Re: What Did Your Toddler Eat Today? Part Four
« Reply #366 on: February 14, 2010, 11:40:08 am »
We have had a few days of bad eating due to a sore throat, now he's better so he's makign up for it!

Breakfast 1: Fried eggs and toast, MSPI egg nog

Breakfast 2: (some of mine) scrambled eggs, banana

Snack: watermelon, pineapple

Lunch: Leftover Rice and chicken satay from last night, fruit puree pack

Snack: none. Left him with DH while I took DS1 to a party. Big mistake!

Dinner: Pan fried calamari, broccoli, beans and fried potatoes. was absolutely feral.  Ate his calamari, most of DH's (I think he learnt his lesson!) and pinched more calamari off his brother's plate. Cried when it ran out. MSPI egg nog.

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Re: What Did Your Toddler Eat Today? Part Four
« Reply #367 on: February 14, 2010, 12:21:04 pm »
Not really any point in posting what Ben has eaten over the past few days as we seem to be having the same problem as lots of you and if it's not a cold then it's teeth!

For breakfast he had 3 grapes, chewed them up and threw them on the floor.  Had 5 spoonfuls of readybrek with plum puree in and then refused any more.
He found some Organix cheese and herb puffs in his changing bag (about the only thing he'll eat and enjoy ATM) about an hour ago and ate those.
I have no idea what else I'll tempt him with today!

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Re: What Did Your Toddler Eat Today? Part Four
« Reply #368 on: February 14, 2010, 21:20:38 pm »
Still got a cold here and a VERY runny nose!

B - Weetabix, half a banana, toast and jam, warm juice
S - breadsticks, marmite ricecake
L - Pasta bolognaise, yogurt, malt loaf, apple pieces, water
No snack
D - 2 veggies sausages, peas,sweetcorn, toast, apple pieces, water
Supper - weetabix and warm milk, water

My DS loves warm drinks and I was wondering if I could give him a weak fruit tea if it is caffeine  and chemical free? Is this ok do you think? He likes blackcurrant tea.

Nell xxx
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Re: What Did Your Toddler Eat Today? Part Four
« Reply #369 on: February 14, 2010, 21:33:38 pm »
Rest of the day was just as good
L - 2 pieces of cheese - 1 of which ended on the floor, about 1/4 slice of ham, a couple of soldiers of bread with jam on.
S - 1 bite (seriously) of a Humzinger bar
D - tried to give jacket potato and ratatouille, he had about 5/6 spoonfuls happily - started coughing violently and threw it up.  Thus refusing any more.  Gave him some rice pudding so that he had at least some carbs! - had a few spoonfuls but wasn't really interested.

Poor thing.

Offline mumofalice

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Re: What Did Your Toddler Eat Today? Part Four
« Reply #370 on: February 15, 2010, 08:05:23 am »
Yesterday A had

B: 2 strawberry pancakes with fromage frais and honey, asked for a banana (shared it with DH and I), watered down OJ
S: none - we were out and had early lunch
L: mixed olives with sourdough bread, shared pizzas with DH and I (one with smoked ham and olives, one with spinach, mozzarella and mushrooms), water
S: organix cereal bar, flavoured water
D: chicken provencal with boiled pots in skins, (ate a couple of pots, couple of bites of chicken, picked out and ate ALL the olives!), fromage frais, asked for a banana and did the same with it as she did at breakfast - broke it in to 3 pieces and gave 1 each to DH and I, kept the small one for herself!
Gingerbread heart biscuit and hot chocolate

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Re: What Did Your Toddler Eat Today? Part Four
« Reply #371 on: February 17, 2010, 02:05:08 am »
Yesterday wasn't bad:

B: Fruit loops (DH gave as a treat after she slipped on our bed and landed on the corner of one of our night stands--bruise and cut right under her eye ick) and milk
S: mandarin oranges and crackers
L: chicken nuggets
S: dried strawberries, some crab meat, and juice
S: "funfetti" MIL's neighbor mixed all the last of her cerals together and DD was in LOVE (of course, it had cocoa puffs, apple jacks, kix, honey grahams, etc.) and she gave her a cup of milk which DD downed so was given another--this time with chocolate ovaltine added!
D: pork loin, penne pasta, and peas and juice

Today not so much:
B: 1/2 slice of toast and milk
S: oranges
L: 1/2 granola bar
S: oranges
D: few bites of chicken and about two small bites of mashed potatoes...then was spitting out chicken. I convinced her to take a few more bites with ketchup. She asked for a granola bar to which I said no to until she ate more chicken. She had a few more bites but then tried climbing out of her chair...while still whining for a granola bar. We had the "you can have the granola bar IF you sit in your chair" battle. She said NO, I put her on the more food...she wanted food, I offered the food if she sat in the chair, etc. etc. The last time she said YES and sat and ate it.

DH said she did NOT want to eat today and that's all he could get into her. Oh well.

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Re: What Did Your Toddler Eat Today? Part Four
« Reply #372 on: February 17, 2010, 04:05:37 am »
Hmm. Can I remember what my child ate today??
B: scrambled eggs, banana, milk, Kix cereal
L:whole wheat rotini with meat/mushroom tomato sauce and cheese, lima beans, carrots, broccoli, grapes, juice
S: grapes, baba ganoush + hummus on pitas
D: veggie burger, yams, veggie risotto, milk, applesauce, strawberry ice cream. (sort of cleaned out the fridge)
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Re: What Did Your Toddler Eat Today? Part Four
« Reply #373 on: February 17, 2010, 07:29:55 am »
Alice has eaten quite well the last couple of days . . .

B: porridge with raisin and fruit flakes, couple of bites of my jam and toast, diluted OJ
S: none - no good reason other than I forgot and she didn't ask until lunchtime!
L: put out lots of bits on her plate: cheese cubes, some turkey ham, cheese & courgette flapjack, crackers with hummous - she ate everything except the crackers (only a bite or two), but also wanted to share my hummous and red pepper sandwich so had a couple of bites of that too, blueberries
S: sesame snaps with yoghurt coating
D: spicy sausge & eggplant casserole with mash (ate most of it), banana & custard, biscuit and hot choc

B (at home): porridge with raisins and fruit flakes, couple of bites of pear, diluted OJ

At CM:
S: banana, raisins, grapes, water
L: ham sandwiches, sausage roll, cheese cubes, yoghurt,water
S: pancakes with jam, milk
S: rice crispie bun, milk

D: (at home): home-made savoury pancakes stuffed with chicken provencal and rice (ate a decent amount - whatever that is LOL!), home-made banana & blueberry pancake with vanilla ice cream, water, biscuit and hot choc

Can you tell it was Pancake Day yesterday?  ;)

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Re: What Did Your Toddler Eat Today? Part Four
« Reply #374 on: February 17, 2010, 22:18:44 pm »
Wow I'd have liked Alice's food yesterday.  YUM!!

Today Maeve ate:

B:  Toast (without jam as she wanted to carry the jam over to the shelf and then  shouted 'catch' and threw it at me while I was holding milk and butter so I didn't 'catch' and it smashed all over the floor!)

S:  yogurts
L:  Pizza -refused, said it was too hot and then just no.  So had bread sticks and cheese and raisins and a smoothie
S:  Bread and butter, some chocolate she found goodness knows where
D:  Lentil and veg bake, fruit cup
And then weetabix before bed.

Not a great eating day at all.