holding through the jolts
You place one hand on your baby’s legs, other on their chest and attempt to assist them through the jolts. You would do this a few mins before the jolts that wake them occur. You apply pressure until they stop jolting, plus about 5 mins. If they haven’t moved more, you can stand back and see what happens. If they fully wake you will have to employ your typical method of sleep to send them back to sleep. Some babies you have to also shield their eyes with your hand to stop them from looking around. If you use a paci you can re insert the paci when and if your baby looks for it. This would be when they are searching for it with their mouth.
This is usually used for naps when waking from OT at the 30-45min mark but i think you may be able to use it if its early in teh evening. when they get OT they jolt hard between sleep cycles and this can wake them.