For the routine, I would look here for ideas: Scroll through and look for ones with similar aged babes or with days that look a bit like your existing days. It's worth just jotting down the times of what is happening right now too - what time is wake-up, the first feed, the first nap start and finish, the next feed and so on. Time of each, length of naps. It can really help you, and us, identify the reasons why things might be tricky suddenly now AND identify any patterns that your LO is pushing towards.
Did you check for signs of thrush - the sudden fussyness and the bobbing on and off are often signs of this so really worth checking both of you for other symptoms.
Also, can I check - this fussyness, crying and need to be held is recent? It could be OT, it could be a GS, it does also sound like Reflux - definatley worth checking over on the Reflux board for the symptoms they list there (a lot better and informed that most leaflets and quick check lists) and thinking that one over.
For the fast letdown, take a look at these: & me know how you get on & what your days / timings are looking like at the moment (before you start trying new routines)