If you do sleep in her room with her, might be worth giving this a try first:
when she crys out, settles then crys out 10 mins later, go in (sneak if she's not fully aware you're there), put your hand on her back, or chest, and apply a little gentle pressure or pat. Keep it up. A hand over the legs also helps (not holding down) just resting there. I find with DS what when he was waking and stirring a lot (a restless sleep), the jolts would keep waking him up when he tried to go back to sleep. So he'd dose off, big jolt, another big jolt, then crying because he can't sleep and is so tired, then doses off, jolt and so on. If I held some pressure through the jolts for say 20 mins until there were no jolts at all (wait a good 20 mins as they can come out of nowhere!), then I'd sneak off (or sleep on his floor).
DS recently hit a really bad OT patch and I stayed with him through the jolts in the evening and again in the morning.