OK, we need help. We seem to be back in a bad place. My LO was asleep at 6:15 last night and woke at 5 this morning. So not only is the day sleep getting less and less, so is the night sleep. Two weeks ago, he would have made up for the crappy day by sleeping more at night, but that is no longer happening. Yesterday, the cat nap was a disaster, so I don't even know what to do about today. I do think he is OT, but I don't know how to get out of it. Maybe I can try and AP an earlier nap? Yesterday, we tried putting him down at 4 hours and 15 minutes and he didn't fall asleep until the 5 hour mark. I am afraid to just put him down at 10, because that would leave us stuck later. I also am afraid to push him to 11, because I am assuming he is OT. What to do?