Henry, we have been doing 1 nap, but try 2 naps occasionally due to OT. But those days never go well. I still try once per week if the situation is bad like it was yesterday. The problem that we were getting 1 hour 30 minute naps, which isn't bad for my LO, but it still meant early bed. I wanted to tackle the early wake up, but that is hard when naps are short and we can't push bedtime. However, in the midst of all of that, I had a few days were we were out or someone else was watching my LO and he didn't nap. Then he got OT and here we are.
Would you believe that he is still tired and I feel like he still needs an early bedtime? Would that be crazy? DH said we should still push to 5 hours A, which is what this morning was. But his eyes are all red and watery and he is whimpery and it is only 5:30. Just goes to show that 1 good nap doesn't undo days of OT.