Mashi, if you were me and had tried shorter A's without success, would you try again?
I do. I absolutely do try again. For me, UT is easier to combat than OT, and that is my reasoning.
My DS was on 5h15min of A time, doing very well with it. The teething hit, and this pas week it has been down to 4h15min. Some days that has only gotten me an hour+ nap and I kicked myself but that is easier for me to bounce back from and usually I am kicking myself over the lost ME time. Today i put him down at 1045 am, which was 4.5 hours ... he slept until 110 pm so it was certainly the right thing to do. And waking at 110 after a 2+ hour nap will get him to a 630 bedtime - so his day is 615am to 630pm, which is good. I'd like him to be back on the 7 - 730 that he was on until about a week ago, but there were a few days where I pushed him to get to 5h and it it will take me a week to push him back to 7-730 and for my DS that surprisingly means to make his nap EARLIER and not LATER.
I don't think that this is necessarily "the way to do it" - I think this is the way to do it for MY son... I also interpret a LOT of things as tired! Today he threw his sippy cup (normal) but after he picked it up and put it down nicely (I made him), about two minutes later he walked over to it and for no reason picked it up and threw it. I said "that's it, off to bed mister!" and he walked around and said good night to all of his toys and got his lovey and walked to his bedroom
I guess I just have it in my head that he's never naughty or mischeivious - he's either tired or in pain. So he acts like a terror and he gets either pain meds or bed, depending on the clock!
I suppose if I were you, and another couple of days doesn't sort things, then I would be inclined to move the nap earlier, see what long as you think you can recover from a short UT nap. If you can't, then don't.