So what are your thoughts on this - last night was our worst night in weeks! I just can't figure out why. Here's how the day looked...
6:45 - up, play with DH
9:00- wind down
9:20-in crib, babbling, whining
9:25- S
11- A
1:20-wind down
1:40-in crib
5:30-wind down, bath, nurse, book, etc
6-in crib, went down without a peep
8:45- awake, screaming bloody murder, tried shh/pat, PU/PD, HTTJ, eventually could get him to sleep for 3-4 minutes but then he would be up screaming again
9:45-finally gave in and fed him, he fell asleep
12:55-awake, screaming, nursed him, not totally sure what I was thinking, I think I thought it was time for his 2am feed, anyway he went back down with the feed
2:45-awake, screaming, shh/pat x 10 min and he was back down
3:30- more screaming, i didn't want to feed again so we did shh/pat, PU/PD, HTTJ again as he screamed and screamed!
4:35- tried Tylenol in case it was teeth but no real difference
5:15- finally got him to sleep
5:25- awake and screaming again so I finally fed him and he went back down
6:20-up for day, singing in crib
6:40- got him up

I just don't know what that was all about! Was he OT from only 3h of daytime sleep? But I didn't think I could get the CN in and he went to sleep so beautifully. I doubt it was teeth since the Tylenol made no difference? Maybe he's starting a GS and I really should have fed him? Now I feel bad about that. But I had cluster fed him in the afternoon so I really didn't think he needed to eat in under 4 hour intervals! I'm going to feed him more frequently today just in case.
Any thoughts? DH was trying to push me in the middle of the night to keep feeding him or just let him CIO but I just didn't think either was the right answer even though I didn't think it was much fun having him scream in my ear all night and not sleep either!
Thanks, Wendy...