Author Topic: Is this an EW?  (Read 8319 times)

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Re: Is this an EW?
« Reply #60 on: January 09, 2010, 03:43:43 am »
Yeah, it seems I'm back to my age-old NW question about whether or not he's hungry at these NW.  He's so regimented in terms of when he wakes that I just can't tell.  He's not so picky about when he eats during the day but then he does seem hungry when he wakes.  Sigh.  I had a thread about this over on the BF board at one point, maybe I'll revisit that as things calm down a little.  Or maybe I just need to suck it up and try to shh/pat through the 3am-ish feed one night.  I'm fairly sure I'll be afraid he's hungry and cave, though, and that won't be good for anyone.  Maybe once he's taking solids better I'll feel more confident that he's not hungry.

What a great night you had!  Man, I can't imagine sleeping through the night, what a wonderful feeling that must be!   :o  And 5:45 is pretty good for you guys, no?  I hope he isn't getting sick and that he doesn't have you up all night!

I realized after I put Austin down for his first nap and went to get the monitor, that the plug had fallen out and it was dead.  So my amazement at how late he slept was really just how late I slept!  I can hear him in our room without the monitor if he's crying but who knows how long he was up in there just babbling away.  So of course, since I tried to push A to 3h after what I thought was such a long night, he was OT and I got a 30 min nap!  Just when I'm getting things settled, technology gets me!  :P

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Re: Is this an EW?
« Reply #61 on: January 09, 2010, 18:37:39 pm »
wow that's awesome wendy :) Kudos!

Kate..I had a couple of nightwakings and after she screamed for 10 mins I caved and fed her. All the time thinking, great she must think if I scream loud enough, mommy will feed me. I just can't understand why else she would cry so hard and loud. Usually, well before, I could just tap her lightly, move her around and she would happily go back to sleep.

*hugs* Kate hope you have better days ahead...I'm sorry it's not working out for you at the moment. I'm thinking of you :)

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Re: Is this an EW?
« Reply #62 on: January 10, 2010, 15:58:42 pm »
HI there ladies, it's all swings and roundabouts...especially with Spirited kids who have no regularity (just got a book about raising Spirited kids and it's pretty much Finn to a 'T').  Finn was up at 11 p.m. the next night, and then again at 4.  I went in at 5 and just saw how tired he still I fed him and rocked him back down.  He slept until 8.  Sometimes you just have to do what you think is best for them and extending his night was the right choice in this case.

Kate we don't use the monitor at night because it was really interfering with our ability to sleep extended periods...Finn is an exceptionally noisy sleeper.  So there are days I don't know how long he's up either.  Now there is an ocean cribside box thingy that he can control i.e. turn on, so when that music starts I know he's awake...but not how long he has been awake.  It's quite cute really hehe...he turns his own music on.
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Re: Is this an EW?
« Reply #63 on: January 13, 2010, 21:42:06 pm »
Hey Wendy-

Now I'm not sure what I've done!  I've gone and messed up naps, which had been going so well for a few weeks!  And nightime is a disaster, too.  Wondering if I've stretched A times too quickly.  Here's the last 36h or so...

555: A
7:00: E
8:00: solids (but didn't really eat anything, that's another story...)
8:40: S
10:15: A (previously had been getting a 1h30+ nap here so thought I should stretch this A time, too)
10:35: E (but he proceeded to regurgitate the ENTIRE feed all over us both! Right as we were walking out the door...)
1:15: E, S (we were out and got home right at 3h so I APOP'd this one and nursed to sleep)
2:00: awake, babbling, I left him to it
2:15: S
3:15: A
4:00: E (extra b/c of the whole throw-up-my-whole-feed business earlier in the day!)
5:45: E
6: S
8:30: woke, settled himself before I went in
10:10: E
2:30: E
4:30: awake, crying, shh/pat, then back to sleep for 10 min or so and I was in and out until
5:15: awake for day
6:30: E
8:15: S
9:30: A
10:30: E
12:30: S
1:05: A (haven't had one this short in weeks! I left him in there but he was crying for me, very upset, went in and tried to resettle but no luck)
2:30: E
3:40: S (tried for 3:30 but he wouldn't go until 3:40)

And that's where I am now.  I'm thinking I'll let him sleep until 5 or so.  That way he at least gets over 3h daytime sleep today. 

Any thoughts?  We're still having early evening wakings (although last night he did resettle on his own) plus wakings every hour or 2 after his MOTNF.  And now naps shortening, too.  Should I pull back the A time, do you think?  I'm trying to get the CN out of here but I did have to do it today what with the bad naps.

Thanks!  :)


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Re: Is this an EW?
« Reply #64 on: January 14, 2010, 22:18:33 pm »
Hi there Kate, I'm going to look on your EASY thread because I do think it's routine related and just not sure why at the moment - I think more eyes will help.  I think he's OT yes.  And likely will keep the CN intermittently until he's doing 3 hrs A without issue.
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Re: Is this an EW?
« Reply #65 on: January 15, 2010, 01:14:40 am »
oh whew..Kate if you find the answer to your solutions be sure to pass it along.

thanks ladies for helping us amateurs out ;)

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Re: Is this an EW?
« Reply #66 on: January 15, 2010, 11:33:11 am »
Thanks, Wendy.  We were up 5 times last night, again.   :o   

2 good naps on shorter A times yesterday (2h35 and then 2h45), but then we had to go out in the afternoon so he couldn't get a CN and last A time was 3.5h.  Ugh.  (Although after 4h of daytime sleep I wasn't sure I should have given the CN anyhow?  Probably just should have gotten him to bed even earlier, I guess?)  So still likely OT NWs?

Hopefully today I can get him on track.  Fingers crossed...