Hi all,
My LO is 10 weeks old and I'd really like to get into a routine with her, so we've been trying to follow EASY for a week now. Due to colic and stomach issues we've been winging things so far, with naps whenever we can persuade her to go down when she's not in pain. Anyway we've now put her on formula and things seem to be improving. However, now she's feeding every 4 hours so I'm a little confused what to do with her routine. I don't think I'm getting it just right as so far she's only been having on average 45 minutes naps, sometimes with one good nap a day.
Not that we have a definite routine yet, this is how today panned out;
E - 7.30
A - 7.45-8.30
S - 8.30 - 9.20
A - 9.20 - 10.45 (she was wide awake after her first nap and would not give in and sleep!)
S - 10.45 - 11.15
E - 11.30
A - 11.45 - 1 (I then tried to get her to sleep, but this took an hour!)
S - 2.00 - 3.30
E - 3.30
A - 3.45 - 5 (she is really cranky at this time ? linked to her colic issues)
Catnap 5 - 5.45 (sorry to say this catnap is in a sling)
A - 5.45 - 6.45
E - 7
A - 7.15 - 7.45 (this was all very calm, before bed)
We DF her at 10.30
She sleeps very well at night, only waking once at about 3.30am
Any advice for our daytime routine would be greatly received, as I know she's overtired I just don't what to alter. I know she should really be on a 3 hr routine for her age, but she's not interested in food before 4 hours.
Please help?
Thanks in advance