Author Topic: 4-6mnts not gaining weight - still EBF  (Read 1215 times)

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4-6mnts not gaining weight - still EBF
« on: December 10, 2009, 03:51:36 am »

I just found out that my DS hasn't gained enough weight from approx 4-6 months. See below for his weight:
Birth: 3.065kg
4wks: 3.95kg
7wks: 5.24kg
3.5mths: 6.81kg
4mths: 7.35kg
4.5mths: 7.65kg
6mths: 7.78kg

In approx 5 months, he had few days of dehydration. I knew this from his wet nappies - there aren't many like before, it was about 2-3 wet nappies. It happened because I was moving to 4 hours EASY drastically and there were some very hot days with approx 35degree plus. I was dehydrated myself...

I didn't weight him then. I think he was about 5months and a bit...

Yesterday, we went to his GP for immunisation and weigh him. He didn't gain much weight since 4.5 mnths :(

I'm still breastfeeding exclusively... He's happy and has about 4-6 wet nappies. Solid only breakfast from last Saturday (5th of Dec).

I'm reluctant to give him formula yet and planning to ebf for 1year...

Feedback and inputs are needed...

thank you

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Re: 4-6mnts not gaining weight - still EBF
« Reply #1 on: December 10, 2009, 14:36:19 pm »
What did the Dr say about it? Have you started solids yet? I'm wondering if you could try a supplement like Fenugreek to help make sure you have plenty of milk, and also make sure that YOU are eating lots of good foods like oatmeal to help with the supply and quality of milk too.

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Re: 4-6mnts not gaining weight - still EBF
« Reply #2 on: December 10, 2009, 15:06:50 pm »
I second what Anna said, but also wanted to add that my DS was EBF and gained virtually no weight at those ages.  After 4mos his gain slowed to a crawl for many months.  Initially I was a little worried, I mean he seemed to be thriving, but in reality he was fine.  The doctor had me bring him in more often to keep an eye on him, but otherwise I didn't do anything other than offered more solids and encouraged more BFding.  Supplementing never even crossed my mind and even the doctor didn't think it was necessary, but supply was never an issue with me.  He did have a spurt finally at 7mos where he gained a bit more, but really his gain has always been very slow.  He is just built small liked DH and I.  ;)

Of course you should always investigate if there are specific reasons for low or no weight gain, but keep an eye on your LO and you'll know if he isn't doing well.  If he is happy and meeting is milestones, and otherwise you can't find a reason, then try not to worry about it too much unless he shows he's not doing well.  While it's important to make sure he's growing healthy, it's also important not to freak yourself out.  They all grow so differently.  :)
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Re: 4-6mnts not gaining weight - still EBF
« Reply #3 on: December 10, 2009, 16:26:37 pm »
Hi Yenny, just to continue from our other thread- you said you and your husband are both small framed so yes, I would think your lo will never be a big, bulky baby. My dd was always very slow to gain weight when she was a baby- she (from birth until age 2) was always 10% and under on the "charts" and our Ped said she would never be a big baby as both dh and I are tall but very slim (he's 6 feet and 150 pounds on a heavy day and I'm 5'6" and 115 pounds). So, as long as your baby is gaining and producing a good quantity of wet diapers I would not worry. Just make sure you continue counting wet diapers to make sure your lo does not get dehydrated again.
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Re: 4-6mnts not gaining weight - still EBF
« Reply #4 on: December 10, 2009, 22:28:17 pm »
Thank you all for your kind replies...
The doctor didn't sound really concern, she asked us to give him solid first then BF after... Another mom's ped said that babies under 12months gain weight from milk. The doctor said to weigh him again in a month. We have another appointment at the childhood clinic on the 22nd. We'll see how it go later.

He seems happy and reach his milestones quite normal or earlier perhaps (I think). He rolls 1 side at the 3.5mnths, rolling back and forth approx 4.5mnths, reaching toys 5.5months, and he's trying to sit up now. His bottom tooth are coming out...

I'll keep an eye of  his wet diapers for now... It's roughly between 4-6 wet diapers.
I've been taking multivitamin supplement, i'm not sure if it helps with the supply...

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Re: 4-6mnts not gaining weight - still EBF
« Reply #5 on: December 10, 2009, 22:33:30 pm »
Fenugreek really helps with supply, you have to take quite a lot, like 6 tablets daily. And making sure your'e eating plenty and drinking loads of water too. It sounds like he's doing great though! :-*

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Re: 4-6mnts not gaining weight - still EBF
« Reply #6 on: December 11, 2009, 11:57:32 am »
Ok thanks Anna.

For BF baby, do they poo everyday? My LO doesn't poo everyday.. is this something I need to concern?
He does his big poo every 2-3 days...

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Re: 4-6mnts not gaining weight - still EBF
« Reply #7 on: December 11, 2009, 12:22:04 pm »
Some poo several times a day, some poo once or twice a week. As long as it's not hard and not causing him pain, I don't think it's something to worry about.

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Re: 4-6mnts not gaining weight - still EBF
« Reply #8 on: December 12, 2009, 15:00:20 pm »
I had a similar problem lately, in 1 month (from 5 to 6 months) my DD gained only 170 grams.  My doctor wasn't worried but I was so I had her weighed more often.  We also had a time when she had much less wet nappies so I was concerned just as you are.  Although I thought my supply was ok, I don't think it was, I was taking the pill Micronor, which is the progestative-only pill which is supposed to be ok for bf but in my case (and many other people I know) it reduced my supply.  I stopped taking it and within 1 week, she gained 170 grams, same as she gained the month before.  Now everything is going well and I can see that she's plumping up and things are ok.

Just trust your instincts, everybody was telling me it was good (doctors, friends, etc.) but I knew something was up and I was right.  Everybody was telling me that she was looking fine and had those big round cheeks so there couldn't be a problem but I wasn't satisfied.

Have you considered seeing an LC? I saw one and she helped me solve the problem.

Good luck!!! :)