Author Topic: Ready to wean already (5 months) ??  (Read 700 times)

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Offline Mamalou

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Ready to wean already (5 months) ??
« on: December 10, 2009, 16:55:00 pm »
Hi. My Lo is 5 mo old today. The past month Ive been trying slowly to move him to 4 hr EASY. Think we are finally there, but lately he's been feeding a bit, then fussing or crying. I've tried burping, thinking that was it- smtms he'll burp and seem ok (carries on feeding) but more often now it seems it doesn't help. I switch sides and he'll start up on the new side eagerly but then it happens again...
Since I've been moving him to 4 hr EASY we've kinda been off/on with NWings and this week Ive been trying suggestion in BWSAYP to make sure he's eating enough- I've been pumping when i can 1 hr after feeds and giving him a bit xtra in a bottle directly after his feed. I've used formula at times too, but trying to pump to get my supply up- also i've been trying to feed him both sides if he'll take it.

I'm not sure if maybe he likes the bottle more now? And he's just crying for that? (he takes it with no problem)(even after crying at the boob).

In the beginning he wasn't gaining fast enough so for the first couple of months I had to supplement him with EBM also, when he had gained the dr said I didn't need to. At 10 wks he slept through and if he did wake after 10 wks it was just once or twice - (around 1 or 2 and then then smtms between 4-6). The night before last he slept through ( well woke for df at 10ish slept til 6, fed a bit and then up at 7.

Any help ?? Is he ready to be on just formula? :( my first LO I bfed til 14mo so wasn't looking to stop yet...


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Re: Ready to wean already (5 months) ??
« Reply #1 on: December 10, 2009, 20:42:44 pm »
Oh my gosh! Mamalou, I was just coming to post the same problem!!!  :-O  I had a supply problem the past couple of weeks and I started supplementing with between 1-3 oz formula or EBM. The last couple of days, my very distracted 5mo dd (she has a rambunctious 3yo sister and 4yo brother) hasn't seemed very interested in nursing. At least, she'll nurse a little and then she's done. However, she's been sleeping fine (better than every with long naps!) and she's happy and her diapers are fine, too.  I'm confused!  I'm anxiously awaiting to see what people say.

(You'd think I'd remember all this after having gone through this with 2 others but mommy mush brain seems to get worse with each subsequent child! LOL)
Georgia, mom to 3 sweet babes: touchy Foti, spirited Lena & not-so-tiny Joanna

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Re: Ready to wean already (5 months) ??
« Reply #2 on: December 10, 2009, 22:43:26 pm »
If you're at 4EASY, then I'd start feeding both breasts per nursing session if you can.

I found that around this age my DS was really really distracted when feeding. I sat in all sorts of silly positions so that he could watch the tv, or gave him toys and books to look. Soft hand held toys and rattles worked well for us - watch out for any hard bits as they can really hurt when you're whalloped around the head!). I also started feeding in our bedroom only after a while - he was just too distracted anywhere else and would finish the feed before I felt he was ready. And once we were on our own, just for a feed, I found I trusted his judgement a lot more.

Feeding from a bottle is easier - less work, easier flow, and so on. Might be finding it easier so it getting a preference. But at 5 months, I don't think it's neccessarily the end of the breast. I'd offer both at each nursing session, keep any distractions minimal and introduce your own entertainment to keep him in the moment if you can. To my embarrassment I did the human beatbox thing a lot. And it's not my thing. Certainly not a gift I possess. But it did entertain DS who would happily feed while I boom-bup-doom-scrikzkzkzkzk-etc.



Offline Mamalou

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Re: Ready to wean already (5 months) ??
« Reply #3 on: December 10, 2009, 23:50:45 pm »
Hmm yes, at night feedings he doesnt really do it (cry at the breast)
my 3 yo often wants to 'play' with him while he feeds bur it doesnt really happen at those moments..
The first few times he seemed to do it were when i was using this breast feeding cover of we were out..i thought it bothered him - but happend w/o it too.
I'll def try lesa distractions

he's still waking- last night 3 or 4 times-- that's my main worry- and I know he didn't drink a lot today because my boobs felt really full-like he'd missed a feed :(

my first Lo didn't do this so I didnt know what to make of it

my friend who has trained to be a doula says maybe my let down is too slow for him?
I'm also pretty sure he's teething

oh and don't know if it's anything but when he's fussing and crying at the boob he often rubs (more like hits or scratches) his right ear. He's just woken at 1 am for a feed and his ear is bleeding- from scratching :(  (time to clip the nails )

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Re: Ready to wean already (5 months) ??
« Reply #4 on: December 12, 2009, 20:54:55 pm »
Hmm. If it were me, I'd be off to the Docs to rule out an ear infection - would make feeding uncomfortable. Night feeds could be the exception as sleepy and more relaxed.

Another thought on the feeds - have you tried compressions?