I've been on the 2-1 support thread but feel I need more eyes to help with my LO.
DS is 13 months old. From birth until 7 months, we battled terrible reflux and therefore DS never slept well. We put him on meds and from 7-10 months, DS slept well. NW still occured but only every now and then. He was taking 2 - 1.5 hour naps a day. At 10ish months, DS started struggling with his second nap and night waking and we began the 2-1 transition. From 10 months until now, I have tried everything. I started by shortening the AM nap and giving a long PM - that worked for a week and then the NW started up again. I continued to shorten the AM nap until it was 30 mins but NW continued no matter what A times I gave him. Then I tried a long AM, short PM. No go. I tried 1 nap and got 1-2 NW (compared to the 10-15 I'm used to) but a 4am wake up. Then I tried 2-1 hour naps lots of NW again.
I took him to the dr today bc the last few nights he was up every 30 mins or so. I was convinced something was wrong. Dr saw nothing. He also was very sure no teeth would be arriving soon.
He does sleep with a paci but it really does seem like too much of an issue TBH. Most nights when I go in to his room, he's standing and screaming with the paci still in. Or I will try to replug and he'll refuse it. I actually tried to wean it a month ago but I am PG and too sick to deal with sleep training ATM. Maybe in another month I can try it - it's really the only thing I haven't tried yet! Oh, and 2 weeks ago I started giving him a bottle when he woke around midnight (I was desperate to try anything) it seemed to cut down on the nightwakes... But not anymore. Last night he had a bottle of 1 oz milk, 4oz water.
I'm starting to fall apart. My friends used to be so great but are annoyed that I'm constantly having issues with my LO and tired of hearing about it. They totally and completely blame me. And I have to say I feel like this is all my fault too. I feel like a failure. Why can't I figure out my LO like every other mom in the world!?!
I hope there is someone brave enough to take this on. I need help.
Thanks ladies.