Ugh, Heidi sounds like a bit of a nightmare. I know living rurally can be so hard for facilities, doctors especially. Rural life used to be so normal to me (although Ontario, not Sask!!!) and now that I am really pushing us to make the move home this summer I am starting to get in a panic about all of it again, after I've had so many years of living in Asia and Europe where a small town is 100,000 people!!
A Medic Alert bracelet is a good idea - you don't need to go through your doctor for them, in fact when I got mine (8 years ago I think?) the system had nothing to do with your doctor. Go onto the MedicAlert website and you choose your bracelet and fill in the info required and what is to be engraved on the back. I think they cost about $100 and there is also a yearly suscription to keep your info on file - so should a person wearing a bracelet be taken into hospital they can get the basic urgent info from the bracelet and there is also an ID number on there. The hospital will call MedicAlert and get the rest of the details that are kept on file. Things may have changed or perhaps that process was specific to Ontario, but that is how it was when I got mine.
I had many problems getting an epi-pen for myself as well - severe allergies to aspirin, poppy seeds and bee stings. Have had anaphylactic reactions to all three, been rushed to hospital in ambulance and given adrenaline. It was only after the poppy seeds that I got an epipen (aspirin reaction at age 5, bee stings at age 12, poppy seeds at age 15) and when it passed the expiry date I was not able to get another one, although I can't remember the details of why not, my mother would have probably written it in one of my medical books but who knows where they are now! When I moved to England, 3 different GPs at the doctor's practice all agreed that I should have one but they were not able to prescribe one to me on the NHS with no "proven" reason in, it was all just me telling them that these things had happened to me and no UK history of it being on my record. I don't know why places are so stingy with them - expensive or not, they can save a life! Not that any of this helps you, but just letting you know you are not alone in having troubles getting an epi pen!
Rice milk should not be too hard to find - there must be a health food store in Saskatoon that can order it in for you. All of the Rice Milk that I have seen in UK and Germany is can be kept unrefrigerated for months without going off. So you could buy loads at once and not have to make weekly trips into Sask. And, look in to getting them to deliver it to you - prob not much more expensive than the price of gas anyway!!