I used httj with my dd when she was 3 months and they used to last between 20-40 mins but after a week or so i only had to apply pressure for 15 mins. She also screamed with her eyes closed - I think its when they are transitioning through sleep cycles and its so weird but my DD was usually asleep when she did it. If I was not there to httj she would wake at that point but if i was there she holding her arms, she would go back to sleep. She used to sometimes open her eyes briefly too - sometimes she opens them during the transition from light to deep sleep even now. We have her room REALLY dark to help her get to sleep past 40 mins - if its bright she opens her eyes a little and its all over!! And if she wakes early, I would try to use shh/pat to get her back to sleep. I would try it in her cot 1st but if she is really crying then pick her up, calm her and shhpat and then try putting her back into the cot when she is calm and finish shhpatting in the cot of you can.
Hope that helps.