Ok, I am not the professional obviously but my mummy-instinct tells me that's a bit of crap the HV is telling you. What I know is to the contrary, milk SHOULD still be the most important part of your LO's diet up until a year, and feeding more solids doesn't put weight on their bones.
You LO sounds just like mine, in fact I think DS weighed about the same at that age (and he WASN'T premature, he was a healthy 7lbs 13oz at birth!). DS was always a decent breastfeeder, and did well with solids. And he has ALWAYS been on the low end of the scales for weight and gained weight slowly (despite enjoying his solids and eating well - more solids doesn't mean bigger babies!). It's just the way he is, I know that and I don't need anyone to tell me he's not doing well. I know he is happy, healthy and developing normally, I also know that DH and I are not huge people so it makes sense that our kids wouldn't be huge. I myself was only 17lbs at a year, and there was never anything wrong with me!!
I think your DS is staying on his growth curve. Is he developing normally? Having lots of wet and dirty diapers? He sounds like a normal 9mo to me!! Adults come in all shapes and sizes, why shouldn't babies? I agree that he doesn't sound too small for his age.
It's always important to keep an eye on how your baby is doing and be on the lookout for issues, but I think it's equally important to trust your mummy-instinct, and if it's telling you there's NOTHING wrong with your LO, then please don't let an HV scare you. Talk to your doctor if you're concerned, and talk to other moms and I assure you you will see babies grow in so many different ways, it's not fair to compare them.
About the feeding, I WOULD NOT cut down on milk intake in favor for solids at this point. It's hard to gauge a BF baby's milk intake, but at that age it's not uncommon for them to be getting enough milk in a short period of time. Are you doing one side or both? Some things you can do to try and get him to BF a little longer are switching sides, and compressing as he is feeding so that he empties the breast and gets to the hindmilk. But really by this point I think he's probably got BFding figured out so he's probably doing a good job of getting what he needs. You could always check out some more breastfeeding FAQs to see if there are other ways to encourage more intake, or if maybe your supply is low.
Sounds to me like your DS is doing GREAT!
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