Hi there,
Well I can't figure it out. My 19 month old DD has been napping for roughly 1 hr 10 min for the last four days. She used to do 1.5 hrs or 2 hrs, but this is off. She wakes rather happy. She just plays and I leave her there "to rest" until closer to the 2 hr mark. She doesn't usually fuss. But in the afternoon she is definitely needier and it doesn't seem like she was well-rested enough. Plus she seems to get tired by 6:00 pm.
Her rough schedule:
6:45-7:00 Wake
12--12:15 nap (used to be till 2:00 or 2:30 depending on when she falls asleep)
7:00 bedtime
At first I thought she was OT, so I moved her nap up to 12:00 and that worked for the last week as we were catching up. We had OT due to Thanksgiving and a busy schedule, so we had been consistently putting her to bed by 7:00 instead of 7:30. I noticed that if we put her down around 7:00 she is asleep by 7:30 typically. But if I wait till 7:30 she won't sleep until near 8:30 giving her only 10.5 hours sleep which I though was OT?
Anyway this was all working until about 4 days ago. Two days of 1 hr 10 min naps at 12:00 nap time, than yesterday she didn't actually fall asleep until 1:15 and only slept 1 hr 10 min. Today we ran errands and I put her down for her nap at 1:15. Went to sleep by 1:30, no OT, and than woke up at 2:40.
Any ideas? UT, OT? I thought today was to help her get more stimulation. Maybe she needs more physical activity. But now that she is sleeping 11-11.5 hours at night, is that shortening her naps? The problem is she has always needed an earlier bedtime to not be OT and rolling around for hours at BT. But these ~ 1 hr naps have her kind of off in the afternoon.
Please help!
Thanks! Jasmine