Author Topic: allergic to farex?  (Read 2487 times)

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Offline Miracle Baby

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allergic to farex?
« on: December 23, 2009, 23:43:18 pm »
is it possible to be allergic to farex???  I mean there's nothing in it except rice, rosmary, iron and sunflower oil!  AG's skin was clear when I got her up this morning.  By the time she'd done her paltry effort on her bottle and downed a full serving of farex she had little red spots all over her face. patches rather than acne spots, like the beginings of excma.  We have had real issues with excma/dribble rash all the way through but it does seem to have got worse once we put her onto pepti-junior and this week farex.  Pepti junior was supposed to be better for her than my milk which she was still reacting to.... Oh and at her WORST (not every day) she can puke up to 50 times a day!!! Some little, some big, some make her cry other times it doesn't bother her. She will puke 3-10 times after every feed and up to two hours later.  Does she just need a higher dose of losec now that she's heavier?  It's not curdled puke just milk and saliva it's like she's just swallowed it.  We still get some pretty good splatterage though! I've given up cleaning my clothes but sill make half an effort on the floor! Any one feel free to move this to the reflux board it if belongs there more....


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Re: allergic to farex?
« Reply #1 on: December 24, 2009, 17:13:54 pm »
Hi there.  Wow - big (((hugs))).  Poor little bubs.  Up to 50 times a day sometimes?  That's rough.  (how old is she?  is she just starting solids?)

Regarding the farex.  I'm not sure what that is, however, LOs (people in general) can be allergic to ANYTHING.  My dd2 actually had an issue with rice up until a few months ago.  Also, sunflower oil is getting to be more of a common allergen.  So, yes, it is possible to be allergic to the farex.  Whether that's what's going on though can be the tricky part.  It sounds like it was a very quick reaction - and if it was her first time being exposed to it the second time can be much much worse.  I personally would stop it right now - but would recommend getting into an allergist to test and see if it definitely is and if so how serious.

Regarding the dosing with the losec.  I'm really not sure, never had dd on reflux meds (although she was a refluxer, and like yours not always a happy spitter).  I'll ask someone from the reflux board to give this a look, or move if necessary.

Bit big hugs.   :-*

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Re: allergic to farex?
« Reply #2 on: December 25, 2009, 09:30:17 am »
Hi Sarah, we had the same thing with Farex, we changed to Raffertys instead, its organic and he doesnt react to it at all! perhaps give that a try?

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Re: allergic to farex?
« Reply #3 on: December 25, 2009, 17:28:25 pm »
Farex = baby food brand name.  Same as Heinz, Gerber and Pablum.  They make baby cereals in NZ & Aussie
8) I BFd a combined total of 4y, 1m & 1d

Offline Miracle Baby

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Re: allergic to farex?
« Reply #4 on: December 26, 2009, 03:10:03 am »
thanks canwi!  sorry - I shoulda said "baby rice" we just use "farex" interchangably here cos no one buys anything by farex other than baby rice! lol!