So Christmas night was better than expected. He was asleep at 8:30 and slept until 5 without a peep. I went in with a cup of milk and he went back to sleep until 7:20! Now, I should mentiion that I held him the whole time just to keep him asleep but at least we got a later wakeup and a longer night!? Then his nap was 12:15-2:30, with an 8pm bedtime. A perfect day except that he was up twice last night, at 11:45 and again at 5. 5am seems to be a favourite for him. I think he would sleep 6pm-5am if allowed, although we've never tried it. It just doesn't fit with the rest of our schedules. I work 9:30-5 so by the time we are home and have eaten, it is after 6 for sure.
Anyway... today he was up at 6:40! I didn't hold him after he fell asleep so he may have slept longer if I ap'd today too but still a later wakeup! I'll ignore the nw's for now since he has slept more than 10 hours the past 2 nights and has woken a lot later than normal. Hopefully we can keep him on this later schedule.... the we'll work on the nw's. Good news is that his total sleep the past two days has been 13 hours, possibly since we've been so busy but I'll take it!!!!
Since he has napped better with a shorter am A time the past 2 days, should I keep with that? Seems like 5 hours is better for him than 6. Then 5-5.5 before bed. Trouble is that normally he isn't sleeping enough at night to keep A time down. I should mention too that he NEVER sleeps in the car. Last night we drove home from IL's at 7pm and he was wide awake the whole time! A 40 minute drive! DS#1 who is almost 4 yo fell asleep for a few minutes, not Ryan!