I'm a first time mom and getting very stressed about my baby's naps. Everyone I talk to, tell me to calm down and not stress but I really feel that we need some help here. My daughter will be 6 months old tomorrow and I plan to start solids.
We are on the 4 hr EASY schedule :
8am - Awake and Drinks 5 ozs of formula ( She cannot do more than 5 ozs as she spits up alot if its anymore than that ) and then plays for two hours - play mat and swing mostly and exersaucer for a limited time.
10am - Nap - Goes down very easily problem is staying asleep. ( we have a routine of going upstairs, closing the blinds, turning on the white noise )
10.30am- Wakes up very happy/smiling as always and plays in her crib for a while
12noon - Drinks 5 ozs of formula
12:30pm - Nap time after being awake for 2 hours
1:pm - Wakes up happy and plays until next nap time
2:30pm - Nap time after being awake for 2 hours
3pm - Wakes up happy and plays until next nap time
4pm - Drinks 5 ozs of formula
4:30pm - Nap time again !!!
5pm - Awake until 8pm
7.15pm - Wind down routine starts with massage, bath, story time, bottle ( 5 ozs of formula )
8pm - Sleeping
5am- NW - Wakes up for the bottle ( 5 ozs ) and goes back to sleep rightaway until 8am.
She only gets 20 ozs in the day time so I figure its perfectly fine for me to feed her at 5am esp since she always finishes the bottle and goes back to sleep.
P.S. Today I tried a wake time of 2.15 mins for the first nap and she woke up in 30 mins again so no change. She went down in 5 mins of taking her upstairs so I figured she must tired...but again, no fussiness/crying and woke up happy babbling away.
Can you please suggest how I might be able to increase her nap time or if I even need to as she's very happy and lasts the 2 hours with no fussiness. Would really appreciate your help.
Thank you !