Hi there,
I have a 9 month old dd, EBF with solids since 6 months.
I BF her at 7:30, 11:30, 3:30, and 6:45 (bedtime).
Each dropped feed has been challenging due to engorgement, which I deal with by pumping as sparingly as possible (I don't want to encouragement more milk, just be comfortable until the 11:30 feed). My body does not seem to adjust to the fact that she's needing less, and that has actually caused her to switch to single sided feeding in the am (which is what she did for the first 4 months), since there's sooo much milk. If I can't get at least 2-3 minutes out of her on side #2, then I really do need to pump.
Any hints? Still wearing a nursing bra all night.
We dropped the DF at 7.5 months, so it's been awhile on this routine.
Also dd is a really fast feeder - we're down to 10 min total, but have never been longer than 15 since birth.