My twin girls are 7.5 months old and doing well. They BF every 4 hours or so (8, 12, 4 and 7ish) and also get a little formula before bed. They are eating solids for breakfast and dinner. They should be very stocked up however have started waking up for the dream feed. We want them to drop the feed and I am confortable they are eating enough but they wake looking for it- please help.
Also, since I am bfing, I am never sure how much they get when they nurse- both typically nurse for 5-8 minutes- how do I know if this is enough? Maybe they need the df cause they aren't getting enough? any thoughts would be greatly appreciated. People have suggested pumping and bottle feeding but I cannot imagine dinog that right now- I anticipate beginning to wean them soon- starting around 8 months but doing so slowly so it will be a while before they are on bottles so I know what they are taking in for milk. Also considering adding in lunch or increasing their meals. My 2 year old son was so much easier when it came to all of this.
Appreciate your thoughts.