Author Topic: DS #1 MSPI - high chance of the 2nd having it?  (Read 1607 times)

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DS #1 MSPI - high chance of the 2nd having it?
« on: January 06, 2010, 14:02:50 pm »
I am not sure if this post should be here or on the BF'ing boards.  So if it is in the wrong place, feel free to move it!  I have been reading a lot on the forums lately about women bf'ing and on elimination diets.  With my 1st, we didn't know what the issue was until he was 10+ months old.  As you can imagine, it was a long/hard 10 months.  I only BF for the 1st 4 months, due to being unable to pump at work and then sadly giving up.  Then my LO was on a soy formula, while I had no idea this was contributing to the problem.  He didn't go to a hypoallergenic formula until he was over 10 months old.  I am pregnant with number 2 and I am wondering, for those whose 1st had this issue, did #2 have it too?  Did anyone automatically avoid dairy and soy from the start or did they wait until issues arose?  I don't know why I am already thinking about this, but it really has been on my mind.


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Re: DS #1 MSPI - high chance of the 2nd having it?
« Reply #1 on: January 06, 2010, 17:36:06 pm »
Hi there.  ((hugs)), those 10 months must have been very challenging.  Glad to hear you got it figured out though.

My DD1 didn't have MSPI, but I did avoid obvious dairy and gassy foods for the first few weeks just a precaution (I'd heard dairy could be harder for the babies to digest) and then for a few months because she had a very sensitive stomach.  DD2 WAS MSPI (among many many other things food allergy wise).  I started out the same - just avoiding obvious dairy and very gassy foods, simply because I am a huge worrier, lol.  Personally, I'm glad I did because trace dairy, through my BM, was a nightmare for her.  I knew at 3 weeks old that she was intolerant.  However, I do know others who just go for it and see what happens.  I tend to be a little more cautious, it's just my nature.

I don't think it's strange to think about at all.  If I ever had a 3rd I would wonder as well!

I don't believe there are any links to siblings, but I'm not sure.  The good news is that you know what to look for, what to do, you will be MUCH more confident and in control and it will be a completely different experience - whether bub #2 is MSPI or not.   :-*

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Re: DS #1 MSPI - high chance of the 2nd having it?
« Reply #2 on: January 06, 2010, 19:10:53 pm »
Thanks for the reply Tari.  Did you know that trace milk was a problem over anything else?  So no reflux or anything like that? I feel like even having been through it, there is still guess work KWIM?

I don't think I can handle all of the crying again, so I am leaning towards an immediate elimination.  Although, I am sure people around me will think that I am crazy.

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Re: DS #1 MSPI - high chance of the 2nd having it?
« Reply #3 on: January 06, 2010, 19:26:32 pm »
There is no genetic reason why your next LO would have MSPI - but there is an increased risk of most types of allergy if other family members have it.

Unfortunately no way of knowing really in advance  :(.

I share your concern though as J was MPI, and reflux has the same type of slightly increased risk as well  :(.

I think I will start off normally, but if I see any signs of digestive issues or reflux then I will eliminate. I do worry about maintaining my own nutrition on an elimination diet as I am pretty small myself anyway. Last time I lost too much weight when I tried and ended up even more exhausted.

I guess I need to make sure I have some meal ideas just in case though - as that was part of the problem.

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Re: DS #1 MSPI - high chance of the 2nd having it?
« Reply #4 on: January 06, 2010, 19:47:19 pm »
Liz, I know we were in a similar situation.  How long did it take to see issues with J?  I REALLY don't want to do an elimination diet, since I am already on a limited diet during my pregnancy.  However, I remember all of the crying fits and I think of having a toddler on top of that, and I get nervous.

The whole situation with my LO has been baffling as it is.  There are absolutely no allergies or intolerances on either side of the family.  No GI diseases or anything like that.  We don't know what happened with my LO.  DH does get occasional reflux, but has gotten that as an adult and quite frankly, I think it was bad because his diet was horrible.  Since taking care of himself, he has been fine.

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Re: DS #1 MSPI - high chance of the 2nd having it?
« Reply #5 on: January 06, 2010, 20:14:03 pm »
There are no allergies in my family either Kara - DH and my Mum have hayfever - but that is all and MSPI isn't a linked atopic disease anyway.

I knew J had reflux when he was about 3 days old, and was sure by 3 weeks - by 8 weeks he was dreadful. It wasn't the crying - it was the sleep. At that point he was sleeping 5 hrs out of 24. He was diagnosed with reflux at 8 weeks, but the MSPI wasn't diagnosed until 6 mths or so.

So what I would do this time is if at 3 weeks I am seeing warning signs I will start to eliminate then and do a dairy free trial.