my lo mostly wakes up at nights. i hold him and he mostly can easly return to his sleep. but sometimes he does not return. he kept both of us 1h last night. he did not cry as if he was hurt but cried without any tear. i didnt stand any more and i laid down near him, he slept then. is there anything else should i do at this age apart from holding him?
(ps: on the other hand he always wakes up at between 5.00 and 6.30. i did everything to make him sleep till 7 am without wake up at between 5.00 and 6.30 for 9 moths, but no way i couldnt manage. what i do now is, i take my lo near me and BF him and he countinue to sleep till 7-7.30. we are all happy with that, no problem)