DD has always been a relatively good sleeper - and the odd night waking that we do have she usually resettles herself or we go in and find her lovie (usually the reason she's upset), give it to her and she rolls over and goes back to sleep.
Over Christmas she had a cold and ended up with ulcers in her mouth which would dry up at night causing them to bleed
She had a rough couple of nights for her - and when I went in to blow her nose, clean her face, etc, I offered her a drink of water (something I'd never done
) as her mouth was so dry. She did drink the water - and would actually sign for it if she wanted some when I did go in to her.
Her mouth is now healed and although she's still a bit snotty (aren't all toddlers permanently snotty? LOL) she's back to her normal self. However, we've had the odd NW and she signs for water - I've given it to her a couple of times, but am not entirely convinced that she needs it (she just has a sip) and am worried it's a bit of a habit. She's also done it a couple of times in the last few days before nap and sleep time - which just seems like a stalling technique.
When I put her to bed last night she wouldn't lay down and signed water - I got some for her and told her that she now couldn't have any water until the morning. She woke at 11.30pm last night - just called out Mummy a few times and that was it (she didn't 'need' me, so I didn't go in). She woke again sobbing at 4.30am, when I went in she signed for water. I laid her down and said the water was all gone and it was bed time. She was a bit upset but settled down again - called out Mummy a few times for the next hour, but no crying. She then woke at 6.10am and we went through the same thing. This time she was still upset when I left the room. I went back in and she was signing for a tissue - so I blew her nose, gave her lovie, tucked her in and she settled back down - I did think we'd have an early start to the day (usually start at 7-ish) but it did seem to work.
Anyway, after all that background info (I do go on a bit
) just wanted to hear any thoughts. Do you think it's habit? How would you go about tackling it? As usual am worried that I did the wrong thing by saying no - maybe she did really need the water . . . but she's 28 months old and until now has never needed it.