ARGH! She slept thru the night again except she woke at 430am. I woke up about 1 minute before she did (I always do this) and she was sound asleep on the monitor. DH wakes up b/c there are two cats going at it outside our bedroom window. Then Marlow wakes. She went from dead sleep to wide awake in an instant. I tried to race up there and reposition her in hopes that she will lull herself back to sleep and put her thumb in her mouth but it doesn't work. She puts her thumb in her mouth but always gets up.
Yesterday I put her down after 3.45 A time and got a OT nap. I reevaluated today, and since she was up for an hour last night, I put her down at 10am.
She got another bottle at 445am and I put her in her crib by 510am. She was asleep by 530am. I let her be and she cooed and played with her feet. Now I'm afraid she might be getting used to that 430am bottle.
Maybe I should be incorporating W2S with this new schedule?
I'm still having pm nap refusal.